Reclaiming and Embodying our Memories – Part 1


Reclaiming and Embodying Our Memories on our 
Journey of Awareness,
Expanded Consciousness and Evolution
Plus, an Exercise to Help You be More of Who You Are!

Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. 

Are you one of those people who remember their childhood vividly? Do you remember just a few things? Do you have memory lapses or do not remember much from your childhood? I can remember the moment I was born and recall my first impressions. I also remember, as a baby wanting to be picked up immediately from my crib when I awoke from a nap. And if someone was not there to acknowledge me, I made my feelings loud and clear! More often than not, my brother, who was 2 1/2 years older than me, ran into my bedroom and placed his hands through the crib bars to hold my hands and let me know I was not alone. Over the weekend, a delightful memory flooded my mind as we were lying outside on our lounges in the nice warm sunshine. I remember on the sunny summer days of my childhood, riding in my stroller that my mom pushed with my brother walking alongside as we went on our journey to visit our cousin who worked at the local malt shop. The feelings of joyous anticipation that I felt all those years ago as the three of us looked forward to our visit with our cousin and our chocolate malted filled my memory with such sweetness of more carefree days. (You know before we all knew about covert operations like Project Paperclip). I genuinely relish those memories and keep them lovingly in my heart.

I welcome all my memories; the good, the bad, and the phenomenal! I also remember the times when I felt sad, betrayed, disappointed, alone, misunderstood, and, more times than not, that I didn’t belong in this reality which brought up deep feelings of abandonment. I can remember the experiences that led to these emotions that, at one time, brought pain. Now that I have reclaimed, examined, processed, and integrated all of these memories, I can move forward with more awareness and discernment. And remember, it is always a process, and we have many layers to uncover and heal. 

Why is it important to have our full memory, even the experiences that may bring emotions of sadness and other discomforts that many people judge as “lower vibrational?” Isn’t evolution dependent upon our “holding” a “high vibration?” Well, that statement just brought up some discomfort for me. Michael and I have seen firsthand that it has nothing to do with “holding” anything since Tristan came in completely alive, awake, and aware and, as such, has and is taking action as the High Vibrational Being he is. Hmm, so that sounds as if it is more about Being than holding. I mean, really, how long can we hold something? Even when holding Tristan as a baby, there were times that I did put him down. For us, we choose to Be it or rather Be a high vibration since that means we have embodied it and are expressing ourselves as the high vibrational alive, awake, and aware people we truly are. Well, you know, it is a process. 

Now, if I only wish to remember “good” (oh, oh, there’s a judgment) memories and repress the ones that I judge as “bad,” then am I not cutting off some of my awareness? On the other hand, I know that with each memory I have, the more Embodied I Am. The more embodied I am, the more aware I can be in each moment to discern the information and the people who are presenting said information. Additionally, if I am more of who I BE, with as many memories intact as possible, my consciousness expands by that very action. If that is true, my vibration lifts as my consciousness expands. Likewise, suppose I cut parts of myself off due to trauma. In that case, I am only operating with limited awareness and knowledge because a vital part of me is missing. Thus, this “blind” spot creates an opening within me that allows misinformation to come in, especially if it is similar to the trauma that caused me to cut off part of myself and dissociate. Thus, with these missing parts, we become highly suggestible.

When we do the work to uncover, remember, reclaim, integrate, and have our memories, we are more fully embodied, and our consciousness expands. We no longer attempt to hold a higher vibration since we are a higher vibration in this expansion of consciousness. After all, consciousness means mindFULness, which includes everything, not only the “good” stuff. 

Again, by allowing myself to be aware of and embrace my memories, I have chosen not to cut off any parts of myself. When we cut off parts of ourselves, we are easily programmed. Why? If we experience trauma too horrible to comprehend, we may dissociate. Dissociating is how our brains respond to trauma to keep control over our minds by compartmentalizing the traumatic events. This is all done unconsciously as a defense mechanism so we can continue in our lives as if nothing happened. However, because we have dissociated (broken off parts of ourselves), we are not operating with our full memories or our full embodiment, thus becoming highly suggestible. 

Some understand how trauma can affect the brain and have deliberately caused trauma globally to push their misinformation agenda to control people to believe a certain way. This type of programming is based on fear and terror. When these heinous events occur, even if they are False Flags, the powers that be know that people are now highly suggestible because they are traumatized. Additionally, knowing that more people will watch or read the news while in this state of traumatization, the story will be constantly repeated to keep people traumatized. Thus, in this state of traumatization, where people have cut off part of themselves (dissociated), which leads to suggestibility, a narrative is pushed and believed. When people believe something is true, they stop asking questions for awareness. Their “blind” faith leads them to robotic mind control. Hence, they no longer use logical analysis, common sense, or trust their inner knowing but instead, give their power away to others who are spinning the narrative for their agenda.  

You may be asking why are the subject of missing memories from childhood (or any other times during our life), traumatic world events, and programming so important. Well, it is getting down to the wire, evolving into the 5th dimension and beyond. Can you feel it? We certainly can feel a “real new” flow of energy that began very early Friday (3/22/19) morning. I woke up sometime after 3:00 am thinking, “Wow, that is a very different feeling than what I have felt since the beginning of the year.” There was a nice flow of energy, unlike previously stuck, thick, and murky energy. The first thing Tristan said when he got up in the morning was, “Did you feel that shift of energy last night? It is more open and lighter now.” 

It felt like a breath of fresh air or that we could breathe more deeply. So that lasted a couple of days, and then the “old guard” continued pushing their agenda, yadda-yadda, amen. We even heard from others who were starting to feel the effects of the “real” lighter energies coming in when something horrible occurred. Perhaps a car accident, an illness, children acting out, arguments with friends and loved ones, problems in business, etc. Additionally, we and many others we have heard from the last couple of days have shared that their skies are filled with Chemtrails and HAARP. As we all know, both of these can cause states of anxiety and illness, in addition to manipulating the weather. Again, this is all being done to distract us from doing our “work” because the powers that be know that many of us are alive, awake, and aware and can no longer be fooled. We are determined to move forward successfully in our evolution. Now, it doesn’t mean that everyone will evolve into the higher dimensions, for they are not on their journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-empowerment. These people have become embroiled in the trauma and drama and have succumbed to victim status. They have been easily programmed. Then some continually give their power away to others. They want answers and a step-by-step blueprint on how to live their lives. Never have they taken the time and effort to go within and do the work to “Know Thyself.” Of course, we do have an eternity, but some still give more credence to what others say than to their still small voice within. Others who won’t evolve into the higher dimensions are those in Satanic cults and aligned with the 4th-dimensional negative entities, demons, and a whole host of undesirables. These 4th-dimensional entities have no desire to ascend as they are pleased to stay in control of others through their evil deeds. As we can see in the U.S., there, unfortunately, are many people who have aligned with the messages of higher-ups who are connected with satanic cults and are now fulfilling these demonic agendas. I will give you a hint—always look at how a group treats children and how they value the lives of babies. 

It is important to remember that many Beings choose to stay in the 3rd and 4th dimensions and want us stuck in them, so they have control over us. Of course, with the agenda of depopulation being in full swing, they will have less to control. These Beings are disempowered and unimaginative as they continue to reinvent the wheel since they are not creative forces. They only know how to replicate. In addition to hearing repetition in the media, we certainly hear much of it in the New Age/Metaphysical/Spiritual information. Something to think about. Interesting awareness when we look around and see who are the ones that are creating and who are repeating. Remember that creativity takes being connected to our heart centers, and the 4th-dimensional Beings cannot have an original creative idea because that is lacking within them. Well, maybe a few here and there are attempting to choose differently and get out of their karmic hamster wheel. However, be aware of any of these lower Beings or people who are connected with them trying to sell you a nice story because, as Tristan always says, “They are very tricky.”  

For others who have not done the work or have no desire to do the work, it takes for self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-empowerment; they may also stay in the 4th dimension. In this dimension, they will learn about awareness without judgment and how this vital concept is in helping us go beyond the limitations of polarities of good/bad, love/fear, right/wrong, and so on. After all, if someone comes into my life with negative attachments or has allowed themselves to be possessed by demons with no heart center, how will sending them love and light help? They cannot receive my love since they have no frame of reference. Again, for whatever reason, these people are choosing to connect with these heartless ones. Also, love is very different in the 3rd and 4th dimensions than in the higher dimensions, where they genuinely know absolute love. Not to worry, though, because all these people and Beings can consciously choose to ascend the next time if they do the work.

As our family and many other brave souls who continue to do the work required on this journey over the Rainbow Bridge of Conscious ReAwakening, we can wisely discern what we are experiencing. It may take a bit of time, but at least we are asking the questions for awareness and clarity. We are not assuming or taking another’s word for it. We are examining, researching, and going within to receive clarity. For example, am I experiencing ascension symptoms or the effects of the Schumann resonance because it has been rising exponentially? Am I releasing some past lives that I am unaware of, or am I experiencing the impact of some 3rd or 4th-dimensional technology being blasted out into the airwaves? Am I experiencing the effects of solar flares and sunspot activity, or am I feeling the shifting of poles or the realignment of our planet? 

Is what I am feeling an awareness of the battles occurring off-planet or parallel lives that are infiltrating this life due to the blurring of timelines? Could it be that I am not acknowledging how aware I genuinely am and picking this thought or feeling up from a neighbor, but because of my unawareness, I am taking it on as belonging to me? Are the flashing lights in my eyes when they are closed really signs of ascension, or am I being targeted by MILAB or other dark covert technologies? The list is endless, but if we are more embodied and more of who we are, we are more aware and can discern and take action as an Empowered Being. As we can see, how one takes care of oneself if targeted by covert dark agencies is very different from how one proceeds in working with “true” ascension. 



Reclaiming Your Birthright as the Empowered Being,

You Truly Are


As our family continues on our evolutionary path of uncovering, embodying, and rekindling our true selves, we wanted to share an exercise that we find incredibly beneficial. Going on this path of commitment to ourselves, we continue to go within to the depths of our Being to uncover any aspect that has broken off and is waiting for us to find, heal, and embody it.  

Some of us may have dissociated due to trauma we experienced at any time in our lives. Perhaps a person has experienced one or more traumas during childhood that caused them to separate. These dissociative pieces of ourselves may not remember the experience, but our body remembers, and the trauma may play out in various ways in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. 

If we desire to move forward in our lives and our evolution, we must first deprogram ourselves. This deprogramming process takes the action of going within and doing the work. Everything required to do this “work” is within us right here and now. We have to take the time and take action. 

I am talking about going back into your childhood and writing your memories*. As we write down our memories, we must hold a pen and move it on paper. This action activates the logical part of our brains and brings the forgotten memory into our conscious mind. Even if some memories have been repressed due to trauma, writing will bring that memory into the logical part of our brain where we can see it written out. Now, if you sit down to write and nothing comes up for you, look at old childhood photographs. Look at yourself in the pictures, connect with yourself at that age, and ask yourself questions such as: What emotions do looking at this picture bring up for me? What was I feeling and thinking at the time this picture was taken? As you look at the people in the photographs, go within and remember what you felt, thought, or sensed in any way when you were in their company. Another way of allowing memories to resurface is to connect with yourself in the pictures from childhood and write from their perspective. You may even go back and look at one of your baby pictures and begin writing what you as a baby were feeling and what you were experiencing. Then find other pictures of yourself growing up, connect with that particular age, and write from their perspective. 

Also, if memories are not coming to you, you may look at the monumental events that took place. Perhaps a birth, marriage, death, illness, etc., will help you resurface memories. Other ways to retrieve hidden memories are to be aware of what music you listen to, the books you read, or if you watch movies, is there a theme to which you are drawn. These can all be clues to your repressed memories since we generally are attracted to things that require our attention. 

The action of seeing our memory written out on paper brings it into our conscious mind, and once it becomes conscious, we can process it fully. Thus, we no longer have to repress the memory.

In the 1980s, as part of my journey of self-discovery, I started writing my autobiography. I say started since it is ongoing. That’s when I remembered my first impression when I was born. I was astounded by how that first thought affected my life and how that first impression gave me the insight to look beyond the 3D World and go deeper into the meaning of Earth living. That first impression propelled me to remember my connections to the Stars and my Cosmic Family and Friends, which enabled me to visit with them and continue our relationship. Hey, one came into physical form by the name of Tristan. How cool is that! If I had not taken the time to write my memories, I would have never remembered my first impression when I was born. Perhaps that led me to Michael, who had a similar impression since we are taking this journey together. And then came Tristan. Now that was a monumental event! And speaking of Tristan, he has also been writing his memories, which none thus far are from this life. He has received fantastic insight into his memories from past lives, and I am very grateful he shared them with me. With Tristan, his memories are vast, and his Consciousness is most definitely Expanded! 

How wonderful it was for me to take that step to write down my memories and remember the first impression that led me on this journey of awareness. Now have all the memories been amazing? Absolutely not! However, instead of allowing myself to be a victim, I have chosen to use even the most painful memories to empower myself.  

So if you have never looked back on your life, memory lapses, or only remember the “good” stuff, maybe it is time to go deeper. Not that everyone has to have trauma and that you are just looking for problems. No, I don’t mean that at all, and I am certainly not suggesting that you make things up when nothing is there. I am only saying that even looking back to when I was a child, I remember World events that were very traumatizing. One was when President Kennedy was assassinated, which was very traumatizing, and I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news and how it affected me and others. I also remember seeing Robert F. Kennedy riding in a convertible in a parade in my hometown one week before his assassination. Even though they were not part of my family or friends, they did affect me. I remember the Bay of Pigs incident and the “duck and cover” drills we were made to do at school. Just a little heavy-duty! Yikes, can we have a bit more ease, please? Okay, I have returned, so here goes. It appears that after those events, even more things occurred to cause trauma. That’s what I am talking about because going back over our childhood memories and at every stage of our life, we have had many global traumatic events. If we have dissociated due to any of these shocking events, then we become targets for programming. It is time to stop the madness and take our minds back so we are fully functioning. When we have and be more of who we are, collecting all of our memories, integrating them, and embodying them, we can move forward as the aware, discerning, and Empowered Beings we truly are. Your evolution is waiting for you!

*It is suggested to see a therapist when uncovering deep and traumatic memories to help you process them properly.

(article written in May of 2019)