Declaration for Earth and all Its Inhabitants
Janiece, Michael & Tristan
We call upon everyone to assist us in this Declaration for our Mother Earth. During this time of great transition, the effects are seen and felt throughout our planet. Whether natural, caused by the hands of others or technologies, Earth requires our help in its healing so it can be renewed, rejuvenated, and restored to its original essence.
As we join together in this Declaration, we know that all the Elementals and Nature Spirits are with us blessing the land that gives us life. We are deeply grateful that they work ceaselessly to bring harmony to Mother Earth on our behalf. We are deeply thankful to our Elemental and Nature Spirit friends and say, “thank you, our dear friends who are always with us healing the land with each and every step we take. We ask you once again to help us in bringing an end to the fires in California”.
We are also eternally grateful to our beloved friends from the Lakota Nation who, in the past, have helped our land be healed and renewed again with the moisture from clouds, fog, rain, and snow. We know that although our dear friends have crossed over, they are assisting us in this Declaration to bring God’s Infinite love, healing, and harmony to this land and bring an end to the relentless fires ravaging all of California. Our family extends our gratitude to the firefighters who put out the two fires that recently broke out on our mountain — one just a few miles from where we live in California.
We give thanks to all the Beings of Light taking care of all the firefighters and emergency personnel who work so diligently to extinguish the fires. May they always be well taken care of and kept we live. May you continue to be kept safe and healthy, and your families supported while you are away.
May all the people and animals affected by these fires be cared for with God’s loving embrace and kept out of harm’s way. May you also find comfort and support from others. Going through evacuations in years past, our family knows the uncertainty this brings. Our hearts have always been touched so profoundly by others who lent us a helping hand. Even the strangers who overheard us in the checkout line discussing if we remembered all the supplies we needed and took the time to give us words of support and we even got hugged by the checker. You all will forever live in our hearts.
We thank everyone in advance for putting your differences aside to come together and be there for those in need, including our beloved animals.
We ask you to please keep in your loving thoughts the people and animals who have lost their lives due to the fires and power outages. May they be lifted by God’s loving embrace into the higher realms.
With overflowing and grateful hearts, we thank all of you for joining us, the Divine Source Spirit, the Elementals, Nature Spirits, Angels, and the Benevolent Beings, for making this a reality in this present moment.