Andromedans and Pleiadians and Shapeshifters, oh, my!

Andromedans and Pleiadians and Shapeshifters, oh, my!

Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. 

Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening


A couple of months ago, we wrote the article entitled, “Inspirations from Andromeda.” We discussed how the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy are moving together and merging. We received many emails from people who really enjoyed this information. One person questioned the importance of this merging since the information they were privy to with regards to our evolution far exceeds anything to do with Andromeda.

Apparently, we forgot some important information in our original article or perhaps we were just sending it telepathically and energetically. Tristan and I both have a tendency to communicate in a way that shares information that includes colorful pictures and the accompanying energy for added inspiration. Many times we do forget to say or write some of the details. Many quite important! So let’s get back to the article.

So why is this merging of these two Galaxies so important? Because a long time ago, before the Milky Way existed as a separate entity, it was part of the Andromeda Galaxy. Wow, that is pretty interesting. For many reasons and none of them positive, this part of the Andromeda Galaxy was stolen and taken away from its original home. Planets were moved and taken out of their original placements and many were hidden. This is also when Earth became a 3-dimensional planet.

If we look at it this way, the Andromeda Galaxy is not complete as our system, now known as the Milky Way, has been fragmented. Consequently, the importance of the magnetic force bringing these two Galaxies closer to each other, so they return to their original state. Thus, both Galaxies become one Galaxy and then it will be complete and can evolve. Michael said that we could look at the Andromeda Galaxy as missing a soul part, namely the Milky Way, which has fragmented off. Well, just like people who have experienced trauma in this life and other lives they have experienced, soul parts have fragmented off, leading to a tremendous amount of discomfort and if it is so extreme “mental illness.” The soul parts are scattered all over, and when found they can be scared, angry, sad, anxious, resentful, and many other emotions as well as the state of denial. Our planets are living organisms and as such, have a deep longing to return home, just like us. In other words, these magnetic forces that are bringing our Galaxies together are a higher consciousness that desires to bring us together and make us whole. Just like each of us, as we heal and integrate all of our soul parts that have been fragmented due to trauma, we become whole again. Wait a minute, is this a segue into marketing our special?

So how can we, Earth, all the planets, the entire Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy ascend if it is fragmented? Again, how can we evolve if we are only operating with bits and pieces of ourselves?

The other evening, Tristan and I experienced the blending of these two Galaxies. Since it was an amazing experience, I will share our story with you. First I will start out by giving some information that is important to our story. As many of you know, my brother made his transition in March 2017. Although he made some stops along his journey, he chose to go to the Andromeda Galaxy. Of course, when he desires, he can go somewhere else that he chooses. Wow, just like Earth since we always have choices right? Returning to our story, Tristan and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner and all of a sudden we heard my brother’s voice. We also felt that he was very close to us in proximity. Not in the same room, although very close. When Tristan heard my brother’s voice, he gasped with excitement. Tristan and I just looked into each other’s eyes and truly relished the moment, which seemed timeless. There was no time because we were transfixed by another reality that was not bound by time. We were, in fact, experiencing the blending of two different dimensions of time and space that reunited Tristan, my brother and I.

Although we have had similar experiences, Tristan and I agreed that this was something very unique. The cosmos were definitely in alignment! It far surpassed all the other visits we have had with my brother and other communication we have had with other loved ones of ours or other people’s loved ones who have crossed over. It was also very different from all of our communication with the Beings of Light from the other realms. Perhaps it was because it was my brother, Tristan’s uncle, who superseded the “space-time continuum” that made this experience so mesmerizing. Possibly he knew that Tristan and I could reach beyond this dimension and share our experience with others. Yes, I believe so.

Now we come to the Pleiadian part of our article. On Tuesday, May 22, 2018, the Pleiadians returned. How do I know that? Well, Tristan and I began feeling some very powerful and specific energies that we have not perceived for quite some time. We both looked at each other and smiled, then Tristan said, “The Pleiadians have returned.”

Now I would like to add that for a few days prior to the Pleiadians return, we perceived some very interesting energies. You know the types of energies that are not for anyone’s best interests? These energies were coming from what we perceived as a blurring of timelines that was caused by dirty technology. In fact, we were aware that this was causing many negative karmic types of experiences for people. We heard some wild stories that week from people who became entangled in these energies. We are happy to report that all has worked out well for them. Suffice it to say it was great timing for the Pleidians return. When we think about it, were the others who do not have our best interests in mind aware that the Pleiadians were returning and that is why these negative karmic energies were put into place?

Why have the Pleiadians returned? For one reason, the consciousness has risen to the point that there are enough people who are following the true path of ascension. They are doing the “work” by going within, and as aware as one possibly can be at that moment, look honestly at themselves in this life and other lifetimes. They are not looking outside oneself for the “answer” or waiting for some “big” event to occur that all of a sudden wakes everyone up and we all hold hands and sing Kumbayah. Okay, just saying. Like us, everyone who is committed to this work knows this is a process and not a destination, because of course, we have eternity. Right? So let’s be kind and gentle with ourselves on our journey. Now that does not mean we sit back and do nothing and just process because it is vital for us to move forward, no matter how difficult or how many excuses we can conjure up to keep from having a “big” life and do what we came here to do. Remember this is a doing reality. So let’s share what we have learned and our insights with others, help others and do whatever your heart desires that is a contribution.

Another reason the Pleiadians have returned is that their evolution depends on our evolution. Remember we are all connected and at the same time, we are all separate and unique. So what one person, one country, one planet, one galaxy, one solar system (you get the idea) does affect other systems. And let’s be honest, there is a strong agenda to indoctrinate, vaccinate, WiFi, chemtrail, chip us and all around dumb us down so we don’t question anything and be good trans-humans. Why? Easier to control so we never question what “they” are doing to us. When we adhere to this agenda, we lose our individuality and thus, our inner light.

If these nefarious Beings and the humans who are connected to them increase in size and strength, they will become more of a threat to our evolution and the evolutionary journey of the Pleiadians. Think about it, if we give our minds, bodies, and souls over willingly (or unconsciously) and connect to the hive mind, then we are doing their dirty work. So the question becomes are the Pleiadians going to do everything for us? Absolutely not. Why? Because they know that we have the strength, courage, self-awareness, and self-empowerment to do the work it takes to shine our powerful inner light and truth that it disintegrates all the myths. Now, of course, I am grateful they have returned because they have the technology required to stand up to and eradicate those who do not have our best interests in mind.

With the arrival of the Pleiadians and others (some from far, far away) that are assisting us, themselves and others on this evolutionary journey, the illusions will dissolve and we will see, feel, know (or however way we perceive) what is all around us. The good, the bad and the phenomenal! We will perceive the higher dimensions that many of these New Beings are aware of already. I mean we have been told by a few people that Tristan can be in the 23rd dimension. What does that mean? I have no idea either does Michael or the people who have told us. When we have asked Tristan about the 23rd dimension, he just looks at us. I guess it is one of those things that you have to be there to know what it is all about.

When the illusions dissolve, some may be aware of the not so loving Beings. You know the downright nasty negative entities that are affecting people. Perhaps when everything comes into “sight” some will say, “and all this time thought I was channeling AA Michael, Jesus, etc. How did that shapeshifter trick me into believing it was a Being of Light?” That is a good question that leads to more awareness. Additionally, they will heal their DNA that has been damaged by allowing another, perhaps a negative entity, to come into their body and take control. This is similar to making a cake and substituting a foreign substance such as talcum powder to the recipe instead of adding baking powder. Obviously, the cake would not rise and could potentially lead to someone getting sick. They will also learn how to have an appropriate relationship with the Beings of Light. One with healthy boundaries and respect for one another. A relationship that is co-creative and not one of possession.

As we travel on our journey, let us be Alive, Awake, Aware and take Action as the Empowered Beings we truly are as this is the key to our evolution. What are we taking on our journey? How are we feeling? How do we look? What are we wearing? Ruby slippers? Boots? Flip flops? Bare feet? Maybe even shackles from past lives? Eww, that does not feel good. It appears to be an appropriate time to see what mode of transportation we are taking on our journey. Also, who is accompanying us? Maybe you are being shown and led by a very special New Being in your life, who are flying high in their Light Body with Eyes Wide Open.

written 6/2018