Spiritual Energy Blessing for the Safety and Comfort of People and Animals


Spiritual Energy Blessing for the Safety and

Comfort of People and Animals

Tristan, Michael & Janiece Boardway


written 10/4/24

We call on everyone who reads this Blessing to consciously choose to reclaim, embrace, and embody their inner radiance and empowerment, and together with the Divine Source Creator and the Benevolent Beings of the Highest and Most Powerful Light, send our healing light energy to all the people and animals who are being harmed in any way. We are deeply grateful to the Divine Source Creator and all the Powerful and Benevolent Beings for assisting us in this Blessing of Protection, Strength, and Comfort for every person and animal that has been forgotten and tossed aside. May all the endangered people and animals be surrounded by those who can assist them, easing their pain and suffering. We thank all the Benevolent Beings for keeping these brave and unselfish individuals safe and secure in their rescue endeavors. May they and everyone and animals affected feel the loving embrace of those who hold them in healing prayers and blessings.

As we rise with the Divine Source Creator and all the Benevolent Beings, we send our loving healing energy to everyone and every animal who has perished by devastation, whether by natural means or human-made. May those who have perished by such means be embraced by this loving healing light as they ascend into the higher realms, penetrating any deception that has kept them bound in the karmic cycles of pain, suffering, trauma, and drama. As they transcend, may they also lift all others who have become lost in the realms that are not of the highest and most loving light.

We are deeply grateful to the Divine Source Creator, Angels, and the Benevolent Beings of the Highest and Most Powerful Light for bringing this Blessing into form right now into this reality, so every person and animal is loved, protected, and comforted. And so it is right here, right now, and always.


The following Blessing was written in 2019:

Remember the Children
Energy Blessing
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
written 2019

We call on everyone who reads this Blessing to consciously choose to reclaim, embrace, and embody their inner empowerment and together with the Benevolent Beings of the Highest and Most Powerful Light send our healing light energy to all the children and babies who are being harmed at this moment. We are deeply grateful to the Divine Source Creator, Angels, and all the Powerful and Benevolent Beings for assisting us in this Blessing for every child and every baby everywhere in this World. May all the children and babies in harm’s way be surrounded by their Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and Spirit Animals easing their pain and misery. We demand and declare that all people are awakened to knowing that babies and children are a gift from the Divine Source Creator. They are pure and innocent and must always be honored, cared for, and surrounded by those who know how to love. They are not another’s property to do with as they please or an inconvenience. No, these babies and children are gifts of love and as such, bring in the pure and innocent energies that are so precious to each and every one of us. They come into this world with loving hearts that are so open to giving and receiving love that is true and expanded. It is up to each and every one of us to acknowledge and love ourselves for when we acknowledge and love ourselves, we can acknowledge and love others including babies and children, and treat them with honor, reverence, and respect. 

We demand and declare consciousness to rise so high that no child, no baby is sacrificed or harmed in any way and that those who have darkness within them are cast out to oblivion, never to return. 

We are deeply grateful to the Divine Source Creator, Angels, and the Benevolent Beings of the Highest and most Powerful Light for bringing this Blessing into form right now into this reality, so every baby and child is loved, well cared for, and honored. And so it is right here and right now and always.