If you would like to receive the FREE e-books below, please fill out the contact form at the following link and ask for “The Light” and/or “The Interview” and we will be happy to send them to you. This is not a ploy to get your email since we are not interested in collecting emails and marketing. We only need your email address to send you the FREE ebooks. Thank you.
Here’s the link: https://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/contact-us/
Free E-Book 1
When Tristan was seven years old, he shared his experiences as a Being of Light with his parents and his conversation with God (Great Light in the book) before coming to Earth in this incarnation. Although, Tristan did not see it as a conversation. He shared that it started as an argument because, as Tristan said, “I told God, I am not going to that planet anymore.” As one can see, Tristan does not decide to come to Earth lightly (Little Light in the book), and he is quite reluctant to leave his home in the Stars, where he always feels loved and accepted. His memories of living on Earth before in other lifetimes were not always happy, and he remembered deep sadness and loss. “The Light We Share” will take its readers through Tristan’s inner conflict about transitioning from a Spirit in the Stars to a Being on Earth. Ultimately, Tristan discovers that the love he feels so strongly is always within him, and as he shares his love with others, it will expand even more.
When Tristan was 15 years old he and his mom wrote his story to share with everyone with the desire that all who read this book are reawakened to the light within them.
Free E-Book 2
Tristan S. Boardway
An Interview with a Star Being and His Parents
Tristan, Michael & Janiece Boardway
In January 2014, we were invited to write for a new online magazine that was about to launch; however, it never came to fruition. Our first contribution was an interview, in writing, of our family. Since we answered all the questions, we decided to share them with you in this complimentary e-book. We will begin with the interviewer’s introduction, followed by responses from Michael and me, Tristan’s responses, and then end with the interviewer.
It is our desire that you will find this interview interesting, informative, and as enjoyable to read as we found answering the interviewer’s
questions. Our family certainly enjoys sharing our journey with everyone interested in expanding their reality. After all, Michael and I most definitely had our reality expanded following the birth of our son, Tristan.