Be Aware-Be Prepared: Enhancing your Immune System & More Helpful Info.


Be Aware – Be Prepared

Enhancing your Immune System and Other Helpful Information


The Boardway Family  1/28/20

(We Continue to Add New Information as we Receive)

All information, content, and material on this website are for informational and entertainment purposes only and not intended to substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. 

When we learned of the coronavirus, instead of becoming fearful or minimizing it we took action. As our family always says, being alive, awake, and aware leads us to empowered action.

As a contribution to all of you, we are sharing many of the things we find helpful in enhancing our immune system and staying healthy. We have also shared supplements and ways to be healthy around those who chose to get the shot and are now shedding/transmitting it to everyone. 

We will not explain each supplement’s function since it is always good for everyone to do their research. When we are more involved in our lives, we are more present and embodied—thus, more alive, awake, and aware.

We wish you good health and well-being!


We Were Created to Evolve and Ascend!

NOT Suffer and Die.


‘KILL SHOT’: Dr. Mark Trozzi Exposes mRNA Vaccines as a Genetically Engineered Bioweapon and Reveals Groundbreaking Recovery Solutions




Informative 1.42-minute video on cell phones, cancer, and suggestions.


Dr. Leonard Cowell: “Every cancer can be cured in 2-6 weeks”


Bombshell Interview with Dr. William Makis on using Ivermectin and Fenbendazole to Treat/Cure Cancer

PURITY 🔆 417Hz + 741Hz 🔆 Detox & Cleansing Frequency Bowls & Water. Remove ALL Negative Energy



From a friend:

It is an Australian zeolite that is not metabolised by the body, it binds the heavy metals and takes them out.

The naturopath also recommended humic/fulvic acid as she said that she sees an immediate difference in blood when you take it. She says it gives a charge to the RBCs so they separate and don’t clump together which is very important for their ability to flow. It also restores the shape of the RBC to round and not oval.



Dr. Sircus’ Protocol:


Suppose you are (or know someone who is) questioning the decision to receive the jab and would like help. In that case, Mr. Thomas Mayer has some vital information on how to begin the healing process at the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. His webpage also has many resources on staying healthy, so it is also good for those who consciously choose not to get jabbed. Mr. Thomas Mayer’s link is as follows:

Highly Recommended book by Thomas Mayer: “Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective. Consequences on Soul and Spirit, and the Life after Death”, by Thomas Mayer



Posted sometime in 2024:

Your Vagus Nerve by Robert Stanley

Robert Stanley: “The “Vagus Nerve” is the actual spiritual antenna in our physical body. And when it is healthy and stimulated connects us to the Cosmic Web of Light and God”.


Do you remember the above article stating that smiling also helps our Vagus Nerve? Well, this video by Nick Peterson right below may make you smile. It not only made us smile, we laughed out loud. Wow, our Vagus Nerve must be jumping for joy!!! He’s quite funny and creative.



From Vegastar 6/1/24. Electroculture Works! Abundance is all I see. Wonder why we never learned about it?


Nutritionalist Hazell Parcells shares Her Secrets of Longevity (Hazel lived to 106!)


Remove Radiation

Dr. Hazel Parcell

Her life’s work is fascinating. 

1 quart (4 cups) Distilled water
1 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Tsp Baking Soda

Divide into 4 parts (1 cup ea) and drink every two hours until gone to remove radiation from the body.

Regards, Niko at Conspiracy Theory Telegram


Nicotine Healing by Dr. Bryan Ardis




More helpful tips at:


From Natural Healing’s telegram page on Cleansing your home of negativity.

Put a glass of water, salt, and vinegar in the room

🏠 If you start to feel unreasonably tired, sad, and apathetic, you should cleanse your home of negativity. Here is one of the great ways to do it.

🏠 1 clear glass;

White vinegar; Granulated salt; Pure water.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass and put it in the place where you spend the most time for 24 hours. Make such glasses for each place you want to clean.

🏠 After 24 hours, assess whether the salt has risen. If so, wash the vessel and do the procedure again. Repeat until the salt stops rising. When this happens, you can stop, because this will be a sign that your home is clean.


Good article here. If I don’t say so myself!

Cleansing and Clearing Your Home. Back to the Basics


Links to Informative Articles, etc.:



How to Treat Turbo Cancer:


Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide


Important Information for our Beloved Pets.







From New California State
Vaccine x Chemtrail Toxin x Nanotech Detox. 


1. Drink spring living water — distilled & alkalized/alkaline. Add sea/bamboo/pink salt with food-grade baking soda. Program your water with Love — infuse the intention of cleansing & paging all toxins out.
2. 1-3 Day(s) Water Fast — with Lemon/Honey/Trace Minerals.
3. Take Activated Charcoal, Liquid Zeolite, Glutathione, Chlorophyll, Oregano Oil, Cilantro, Bentonite Clay, Manuka Honey, Magnesium, Humid & Fulvic Acid, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Selenium, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, C-60 & Power Immunity.
4. Take trace minerals daily.
5. Use Black Cumin Seed Oil in raw food.
6. Oil Pull — use Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil or Black Cumin Seed Oil. Swish in mouth for 10-20 minutes. Spit out & rinse mouth after.
7. Take Diatomaceous Earth in very small amounts.
8. Add 2-4 drops of food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide after-shower spray. Spray on body lightly & air dry.
10. Use Castor Oil after shower. Rub all over the body, lymph areas or areas needed. Great for the belly button before bed. Add in Olive/Coconut/CBD Oil as well.
11. Dry brush the lymphatic system gently.
12. Drink lemon tea. Add 1/4 to 1/2 whole lemon to boiling water & steep for 20 minutes. Add maple syrup & a pinch of cayenne pepper.
13. Eat lots of raw cilantro or drink cilantro tea. Same process as lemon tea.
14. Drink Essiac Tea.
15. Drink fresh parsley tea for kidney detox. Add fresh parsley to boiling water & simmer for 1 hour. Add extra water, lemon & maple syrup. Cool. Refrigerate.
16. Use high-grade Colloidal Silver.
17. Use THC & CBD Oil.
18. Take food-grade Vitamin C.
19. Organic coffee enema — cleanses the liver.
20. Do Colon & Gut Cleanses — at least twice a year.
21. DIY Ionic Foot Bath — Get a 5-gallon clean bucket & fill it with clean hot water. Add 1 cup Epsom or Pink salt. Add Tree Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide and Apple Cider Vinegar as well. Soak your feet until you sweat. Remove feet. Put on a full-body robe & wrap a towel over your head. Sweat the toxins out.
22. Full body Salt Bath — Add Epsom/Pink Salt in the tub of hot water. Add in Tree Tree, Eucalyptus, Coconut, Castor, CBD Oil, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide & Apple Cider Vinegar as well. Soak for 30 minutes to an hour.
23. Humidifier Lung Detox — Set by your bedside. Use 1 drop of Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 drops of Zeolite, 2 drops of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), Pinch of (dissolved in water) Sodium Borate, Colloidal Silver, 1 drop of Oregano Oil, 2 drops Cilantro Oil.
24. Eat oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. Save the peels. Boil them in water. Use this water for tea. Grind the peels in a clean grinder —Nature’s Vitamin C.
25. Juice daily — citrus fruits, apple, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, banana, kale, celery, carrots, beets, zucchini, cilantro, parsley. Drink within 20 minutes completely. Save the pulp. Use in soups & stews.
26. Grate beets. Add lemon freshly squeezed. Refrigerate. Eat in salads or raw foods.
27. Use cayenne or habanero pepper.
28. Onion Foot Detox — wrap slices of onion on the sole of the feet — an hour to overnight. For children & autoimmune harmed, start with 30 minutes to an hour.
29. Master Cleanse — Juice only fruits & vegetables for 5 days with lemon/honey/pepper water.
30. 100% Organic Everything — Everything you eat, inhale & for the hair & skin. Avoid matrix brand products.

741 Hz Remove Toxins, Throat Chakra Healing Music, Boost Immune System, Cleanse Infections


Benefits of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency



Excellent for coughs, respiratory illnesses, etc. I am so happy I found this information on Barbara O’Neill from the New California telegram page.


The Medical Wonders of Castor Oil- Naturopath Barbara O’Neil was banned for life from providing any health services in Australia in 2019 because she gave “dangerous health advice”.



Chemicals in the Sky

Lately, it has been non-stop spraying of chemicals in the sky (heavy-duty 24/7 Chemtrails) and we have been feeling their effects such as the beginnings of colds, sore throats, and headaches. Even our three eight-month-old puppies have been a bit off, Lots of healing sessions for them too! We also heard from people in AU, CN, UK, Belgium, and Germany that the skies are filled just like here in the US. The helpful things we are doing are taking lots of supplements, such as CDS, and tons more. Please see the entries we have made above and below for helpful suggestions. Additionally, we have been adding CDS and Hydrogen Peroxide to our humidifier and diffusers. Okay, it’s been helping us and we wanted to share this with everyone. We also noticed that our throats aren’t dry when we wake up in the middle of the night like they used to be due to all the spraying. That’s why we woke up! We could not swallow with ease. If you have an air filter, have that on as well. Hope this helps. 








Homesteading 101: How to start your own medicinal herb garden


5/26/23: From a friend:

From the Chlorine Dioxide Telegram page. The person who posted it says it lowers your blood pressure and cleanses and supports all the organs and blood.


What you are going to need is a glass container with a lid.  
1 cup garlic, peeled and minced small.  
1 cup of turmeric peeled and finely chopped.  
1 cup of Ginger peeled and chopped 
1/2 cup of organic honey, 
1 level tablespoon of black pepper, and the juice of the lemons that fill the container, cover it, and leave it in your cabinet for 48 hours, then after the hour you blend it, and it is ready to drink, start taking 1 spoon 3 times a day and that’s it you’ll see what will start to happen in your body, this remedy is not only a dewormer, it also cures my bronchitis, lowers cholesterol, It thins the blood, it helps it not to clot, it lowers your blood pressure, it is a natural antibiotic, it fights the infection, this remedy is very good, I already put it to the test.
Supporting the spleen posted by Hans of Sonnengarten Organics on his Telegram page. 

The spleen filters your blood, and it also stores your red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells.

The spleen is part of your body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system helps remove cellular waste, maintain fluid balance, and make and activate infection-fighting white blood cells for the immune system. 

Here are some natural and easy-to-find herbs to help your enlarged spleen heal.

Ginger is a herb that is used to treat a variety of ailments. For the spleen, It helps to break down and absorb nutrients from food. It also helps to reduce inflammation and pain that may occur from an enlarged or injured spleen. It also helps to give your immune system a boost to fight against any foreign agents in the body. For best results, chop up 1 ginger and add to the pot of boiling water. Drink once at room temperature. Do this daily till the spleen has improved.

Lemons and lemon rinds. 

Lemons help to treat spleen problems by removing bacteria. It also helps to heal the damage done to the spleen while reducing inflammation and irritation. Lemons provide nutrients to speed up recovery: Drink ½ cup of lemon juice or add lemon to a glass of water. Make sure you grate a little peel and have that also; a teaspoon size is great. Do this daily till the spleen improves.

Aloe Vera: Try a small amount first. Sometimes people have a slight reaction to Aloe Vera, upset tummy, etc.; give it a go and see how it goes for you.

Aloe Vera helps to regulate the immune system so that you can fight off infections and bacteria. It also removes toxins when flushing out the body. It also helps to heal the spleen quickly. For best results, drink 1 glass of Aloe Vera juice daily till the spleen is better. Aloe Vera is so easy to grow; use the interior jell, not the skin.

Many blessings, Hans, the Herbalist 💕



Posted 3/13/23:


Removing the Graphene Transmitting from the COVID VAXXXinated to the UnVAXXXinated to YOUR Body!


Here’s why Fermented Foods are so great for your health


Posted 2/20/23


New Entry:
World’s 11 most powerful NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS that won’t kill your good gut bacteria


New Entries 1/24/23:


Dr. David Nixon – The Cure? Nanotech Inside Injected AND Uninjected DISAPPEARS with Colloidal Gold
From a friend: Dr. David Nixon shows the crystal lattice structure that the blood of the vaccinated forms when it dries. He has been experimenting with colloidal gold, which seems to disable and eliminate the nanotech, which is very promising. Even having the colloidal gold close to the vaccinated blood sample seems effective, and he explained that it is due to the electrical charge it emits. 


Study: These two simple nutritional supplements trigger spike protein UNFOLDING and may neutralize its harmful properties


New Entries 1/16/23:


Air Doctor

Air Doctor is a new Japanese technology that utilizes the triple power of chlorine dioxide gas (CD) at low concentration (0.03 PPM) for the prevention of Air Born Infections, either bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Air Doctor has A Worldwide patency certificate for the new precise technology. The Scope of Air Doctor Action? Air Doctor is for personal use; It is effective for 30 days, one meter in diameter.


Another Website where you can purchase the Air Doctor:


New Entry 8/7/22:
From Sonnengarten Organics forwarded by a friend. It’s long but great information!
Hans the Herbalist has crafted a pure and potent combination of Star Anise, Fennel Seed, Dandelion, Golden Rod, Rehmannia, Thuja, Pine Needle, Hawthorn Berry and Leaf, Schizandra Berry, herbal combination, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol-based. Star Anise, Fennel Seed, Dandelion and Pine Needle have been mentioned in recent times in connection with Shikimic Acid and protein shedding. Golden Rod has been added for the elimination process through the body and the blood. Rehmannia assists the body to self repair. Thuja has been added for its benefits in dealing with respiratory tract infections. Hawthorn Berry and Leaf have been added to promote heart health. Schizandra Berry has been added to protect the kidneys and the liver. FOR INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY  

ATTENTION: As your children are over the age of 8, they can take the normal (adult version of the) Shikimic Acid Super Combo. For your eldest, we can make a special tincture with less ingredients. For example Dandelion, Fennel. At checkout for Shikimic Acid Super Combo you would please mention “one of the Shikimic Acid Super Combos is for my eldest 13 years of age; some food allergies and more vibrationally sensitive/aware system; please less ingredients”. Thank you. 

Check SonnengartenOrganics out on Telegram at: . Hans has a lot of information re the flushing out etc. on SonnengartenOrganics’ Telegram Channel. 

Please also very kindly let us know if you or someone in your family who might take the tinctures are pregnant/breastfeeding, if you have any allergies (e.g. mushrooms, bees/honey etc.), your most recent medical history, if you are taking any prescription medication. 


This is for all, the ones who have received the gift of the government and the ones who have not received the gift. 

1.   + Chaga mushroom. 1 to 2 cups a day, ½ teaspoon; or SonnengartenOrganics’ CHAGA MUSHROOM TINCTURE
3.   + SonnengartenOrganics’ ANTI CLOT FORMULA TINCTURE
4. Do a regular mouth wash e.g. with oregano oil (is quite hot, so use one to three drops, start with very small amount). Or use SonnengartenOrganics’ TULSI (aka HOLY BASIL) & LEMONBALM MOUTHWASH Tincture


Hans the Herbalist has crafted a pure and potent combination of Star Anise, Fennel Seed, Dandelion, Golden Rod, Rehmannia, Thuja, Pine Needle, Hawthorn Berry and Leaf, Schizandra Berry, herbal combination, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol based. 

Star Anise, Fennel Seed, Dandelion and Pine Needle have been mentioned in recent times in connection with Shikimic Acid and protein shedding. Golden Rod has been added for the elimination process through the body and the blood. Rehmannia assists the body to self repair. Thuja has been added for its benefits in dealing with respiratory tract infections. Hawthorn Berry and Leaf have been added to promote heart health. Schizandra Berry has been added to protect the kidneys and the liver. 

Star Anise should not be used during pregnancy. 

In case of pregnancy/breastfeeding please contact us and we will craft a respective combination for you. 

For children we have a glycerite version (e.g. Shedding Super Combo Child//Glycerite//…). Please mention the age of your child/children at checkout. 



Hans the Herbalist has crafted a pure and potent combination of Ginger, Lemonbalm, Cayenne, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Garlic, herbal tincture, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol based. 

GINGER: Ginger is one of the world’s most widely cultivated herbs and has been mentioned already five thousand years ago; it was widely used in China and other areas of Asia, Europe, the Middle East, it was historically used for spiritual ceremonies, to prevent scurvy on extended sea voyages, is mentioned in the Koran; according to an ancient Indian proverb, “everything good is found in ginger”; Ginger has a wide use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Indian, and Persian medicine. Ginger has an ancient reputation as a carrier herb enhancing the absorption of other herbs, that it accentuates many other herbs; Ginger is said to have e.g. hormone balancing, energy enhancing, circulation improving, anti inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant properties, it is said to stimulate and enhance immunity and inhibit platelet aggregation, to regulate blood sugar, to increase circulation; 

LEMONBALM: Scientists in India have researched the spice of Lemonbalm extensively. Eugenol has been found to be one of the most potent inhibitors of induced platelet aggregation. Eugenol is found in Lemonbalm, as well as in Cloves. Indian Scientist have also found that Eugenol was highly effective at inhibiting inflammatory conditions in humans. 

CAYENNE: Cayenne is a powerful detoxifier, and a metabolism and immune system booster! Cayenne is said to be nature’s finest stimulant as it aids in the circulation of blood bringing oxygen and other nutrients to cells in need of repair. Scientists in India have researched the spice of Cayenne extensively. Capsaicin has been found to be one of the most potent inhibitors of induced platelet aggregation. 

TURMERIC: for centuries Turmeric has been used in Indian as well as Chinese traditional medicines to treat health conditions. Curcumin, a compound found in Turmeric, is known by scientists to prevent blood clot formation, and it is known to also prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which offers protection against blood vessel damage and plaque build up which is discussed in connection with heart attack and cancer. 

CINNAMON: Cinnamaldehyde is a compound in Cinnamon and has been evaluated by the Central Food Technological Research Institute in India to significantly inhibit blood clotting. Cinnamon has been a popular healer for more than 2000 years, and is a powerful regulator of blood sugar levels. 

GARLIC: Garlic to build physical strength and energy, to promote better circulation of the blood. Garlic for thousands of years has been known to be a potent, natural herbal remedy, highly spoken of as “heal all”. Garlic is also known as “Russian penicillin”. The health benefits of garlic are legendary. Allyl sulphide, compound found in Garlic, has been evaluated by Indian Scientists to be able to significantly inhibit blood clotting. 

IV CHAGA MUSHROOM Tincture Herbal Concentrate Herbal Extract 

Chaga Mushroom is of high therapeutic value; Chaga Mushroom is very high in melanin; rich in fiber and essential nutrients; 

Chaga Mushroom is a very important and effective herbal adaptogen, meaning it assists your body to adapt to stressful situations; 

Chaga Mushroom has e.g. anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, detoxifying, anti-parasitic, adaptogenic, anti-tumor properties; 

Chaga Mushroom is also known as e.g. kreftkjuke (translated cancer fungus), Birch Canker, Black Mass, Cinder Conk, Clinker, Conk Rot, Black Gold, 

Chaga Mushroom, Inonotus obliquus, single herbal tincture, single herbal remedy, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol based. 


TULSI is the Hindu word for Holy Basil. Tulsi has been used for over 3000 years as a medicinal and sacred plant. Tulsi is known to be a powerful herb when it comes to maintain internal stability in times of increased stress. As an adaptogen, an anti-stress agent, it promotes health throughout the entire body. Tulsi is used to e.g. to assist in the management of adrenal fatigue, to support the immune and cardiovascular system, to decrease anxiety. Tulsi is said to have e.g. antimicrobial, anti-fungal, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. 

LEMON BALM for calmness and alertness during times of mental stress. Improves memory during mental testing. Provides calm comfort during illness when rest is essential. 

In traditional German Herbal Medicine Lemon Balm as a soothing plant is known as one of the common herbs to e.g. lower blood pressure. 

Scientists in India have researched the spice of Lemonbalm extensively. Eugenol has been found to be one of the most potent inhibitors of induced platelet aggregation. Eugenol is found in Lemonbalm, as well as in Cloves. Indian Scientist have also found that Eugenol was highly effective at inhibiting inflammatory conditions in humans. 

Lemon Balm has also been mentioned as a gentle nervine for children, helping to nourish and calm the nervous system, Lemon Balm is a wonderful plant to help soothe nervousness and anxieties, to lend a calming hand when children are so overtired that they are tense, unable to calm down. 



For a strong and healthy heart. 
This organic herbal concentrate has been crafted to strengthen vascular function, to regenerate, condition and strengthen the heart tissue. 


A pure and potent herbal combination of Hawthorn Berry, Motherwort Herb, Rosemary Leaf, Irish Moss, Bugleweed Herb, Parsley Root, Astragalus Root, herbal tincture, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol based. 


Contraindications: Not suitable during pregnancy, especially early pregnancy. 



Hans has mentioned natural replacements for Ivermectin on Telegram before: 

“Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 ( ok for every thi ng else)in Australia or in other undeveloped countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the “myopic”  National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the spurious  World Health Organisation and the US  toxic Food and Drug Administration.      Make your own its easy and it has zero toxins. Hans the herbalist.” 

“Ivermectin Alternative  

Hi all, today I will give you Natural herbal alternative to Ivermectin without the drama of toxic pharmaceuticals. 

There has been much discussion recently in the ability of Ivermectin to treat Covid.   First of all, what is Ivermectin?  Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug and was discovered in Japan in about 1914. It has been in use in the USA for over 40 years for the treatment of parasites and   belongs to a class of drugs called anthelmintics or for simplicity… dewormer.   This product has been a life saver for the agriculture industry and also as an anti-parasitic agent for people however it can still have toxic side effects. 

So here are some out of many proven plant-based options I have been using for over 40 years. If formulated and used correctly these are safe for children, family pets and livestock.Black Walnut – A valuable anti-parasitic is effective against ringworm, tapeworm, pin or thread worm, and other parasites of the intestine. Also, a bonus it improves cardiovascular health. 

Black Walnut – A valuable anti-parasitic is effective against ringworm, tapeworm, pin or thread worm, and other parasites of the intestine. Also, a bonus it improves cardiovascular health.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wormwood. This is used in most dewormers, a good broad spectrum and useful for giardia, liver pathogens and other worms. Can also reduce tapeworm replication 

Andrographis paniculata – A powerful bitter, helps to control larvae production, also has the ability to block eggs from hatching. 

Oregon grape –strong in berberine it is a popular anti-parasitic agent in the world of herbal medicine. Supports healthy blood sugar levels, and has shown to target pathogens of all sorts including the treatment for Lyme.  

Clove –used for pathogens, it contains a compound called eugenol, a must have for parasite /worm control.  

Oregano Oil – Kills enteric parasites including Entamoeba hartmanni and Blastocystis hominis, which causes digestive distress like nausea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. 

Olive Leaf Extract –pinworm, roundworm, cryptosporidium and other pathogens.  

I do use different herbs depending on the condition and the desired outcome and even the location of the patient. The formula I use has been used in every continent on earth, tried and tested and safe. If you are making your own tincture the list is probably the minimum one would use. I am not saying these herbs will reproduce the actions of Ivermectin or even replace it as a medication however if you cannot find it anywhere for one reason or another make your own. The herb list is safe and does not contain any unlisted nasties. 

Blessing, Hans The Herbalist” 

Hans can craft a PERSONAL BLEND MADE JUST FOR YOU (name of the listing on ETSY), and at checkout you would please mention “IVERMECTIN STYLE REPLACER” 
Ingredients e.g.: Wormwood, Marshmallow, White Oak Bark, Black Walnut, Mullein, Skullcap, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Gravel Root, Ginger, Garlic, Echinacea, Cayenne, Plantain, Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Horseradish, herbal combination, herbal concentrate, herbal extract, alcohol based. 

VIII.  SUPPLEMENTATION/Compounding Chemist 

1.   NAC Amino Acid. ACETYLCYSTIENE 500MG, 1 per day. 
2.   Also take GLUTATHOINE, which binds the protein in the cells. 
3.   + VITAMIN D3, 10,000IU (international units). 
5. Zinc helps to degrade spike protein. 
6. Take organic black cumin seed oil. 


Plus further general supplementation: 

Have you spoken to your doctor about supplementation of Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 (can be found either combined in one liquid spray, or separate), CoQ10, Boron, most importantly without any fillers/additives. 

Regarding Vitamin D3 and the deficiency of it, one protocol calls for 20,000-30,000 international units for 10 days, after that you go back to 2,000-3,000 international units per day. 

Please take into consideration that when you are doing the high Vitamin D3 protocol for 10 days to stay off animal milk and animal milk products, and to take Zinc to make it most beneficial.  

We kindly ask that you do your own in-depth research and come to your own conclusion. Also, it is recommended to speak to your physician or healthcare provider about your individual situation. 

We do not diagnose disease or illness. If you have unexplained symptoms, please speak to your doctor or specialist. We make no healing claims about any of the products we have on offer. 

Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding the above. 

Please take very good care of yourself. 

We wish you health and happiness always!        

Very best wishes from the SonnengartenOrganics Team 

PS: you can find our products on Etsy (; email:; check SonnengartenOrganics out on Telegram at:

Medicinal Honey-Cough and Cold Blend
1 Tablespoon ginger powder
1 tablespoon marshmallow root powder
1 tablespoon astragalus powder.
1 tablespoon mullein.
The above; 4 tablespoons blend  with 1 cup honey
Use honey blend as cough syrup to soothe inflamed tissue, lubricate and moisturize the throat and lungs, this aid dry coughs and will  boost the immune system. Blessings Hans the Herbalist
Immune boost💥
1 table spoon elderberries
1 table spoon  rosehips
1 table spoon lemon balm
1 teaspoon shilajit
Add herbs to 1 tea cup of raw honey. 
To prevent  illness and treating any illness. This blend is loaded with minerals and antioxidants that will boost and maintain the immune system, and will give your  body the needed nutrients. Blessings Hans the Herbalist
Tummy upset
1 table spoon peppermint
1 table spoon spearmint
1 table spoon ginger
1 table spoon fennel seed
Add ingredients to 1 tea cup raw honey
This is soothing for any digestive complaints;  bloating, stomach ache, gas,stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, even  constipation. Blessings Hans the Herbalist.


Stress blend
1 table spoon passionflower
1 table spoon chamomile
1 table spoon lemon balm
1 table spoon scullcap
Add  herbs to  1 tea cup of raw honey
For calming the nerves or trouble sleeping. Helps with anxiety, restlessness,  mental function and uplifting the spirit
Will also settle an upset stomach this is also a great blend for children. Blessings Hans the Herbalist


Mullein: This herb Fights Infections and Inflammation. It is a must for winter time lung infections.
The whole plant is used for inflammatory disease, asthma, coughs, sore throat, to bronchitis, tonsillitis and asthma:  for any lung-related ailments, this is one of the top herbs for healing.  ☘️☘️Mullein is key ingredient in herbal ear drops. Perfect for a child, adult or your four legged friend, mullein ear drops are an effective remedy for ear complaints.
Organic Mullein Herbal concentrate 💕Many Blessings Hans The Herbalist


Radiation pneumonitis from ☠️ Ionizing radiation.
Radiation pneumonitis is an inflammation of the lungs, the main symptoms include but are not limited to: dry cough, shortness of breath, feeling of tightness in your chest and mild flu-like symptoms.
Ionizing radiation poses important health risks and some herbs help to decrease pneumonitis and fibrosis when given after exposure.
Many people suggest they have Radiation pneumonitis and blisters on their faces, arms, and torsos because of a direct result of being exposed to Directed Energy Weapons. 
Although I do make a radiation tonic to address this condition I have included a list of Herbs that are very effective  and you may find easily: 
Astragalus membranaceus:  Zingiber officinale: Ginkgo biloba: Panax ginseng: Piper longum: Mentha arvensis: and M. piperita : Ocimum sanctum: Lycium chinense. I prefer tinctures personally, they are so much more effective and convenient.   other methods….
Take a bowl of hot water and adding eucalyptus oil, lavender and ginger oil cover head and bowl and breathing the vapor will help you lungs. 
As a drink golden milk using almond or coconut milk is a great benefit.
My recipe: Golden milk anti-inflammatory that can help relieve symptoms of arthritis, bursitis and other musculoskeletal ailments including Radiation exposure.
Heat 2 cups almond milk Add 1/2 tablespoon peeled, grated fresh ginger and 1 tablespoon grated fresh turmeric. Take 5 or 6 black peppercorns and add to pot. Heat all ingredients Stir well and bring to a simmer for 10 minutes or so. Strain, sweeten if desired and enjoy. Have as often as desired.  Blessings from Hans the Herbalist.💕


Fire Cider🔥
Here is something that will warm the cockles of your heart
Here are the basics: they are Garlic, quality Apple Cider Vinegar and some beautiful culinary herbs of your choice. I recommend using whatever you have in your pantry or kitchen that is fresh and still vibrant. 
ADD together in a 1ltr jar
•  Crushed Garlic; 5 or 6 good sized cloves, Crush and leave for 20 to 30 min before adding, this is better for the enzyme activity.
•  ADD;  Ginger 2 heaped tablespoons roughly chopped,  Horseradish1 tablespoon grated, 3 or 4 Habanero Chilli 🌶🌶🌶 or equivalent (this makes it fire cider) and some Thyme, Sage, and Rosemary and 6 or 7 cloves and any other herbs  you might want to add. 
•  ADD Apple Cider Vinegar and fill the Jar     this will get things moving, great for cold and flue season. 
Leave for a couple of weeks, Strain and Drink. Many Blessings Hans the Herbalist💕💕


Herbal Tooth Powder contains: 🌿 3 parts White Oak Bark, 1 part Prickly Ash, 2 parts Bayberry bark, 2 parts Horsetail, 1 part Slippery Elm bark, I part Cloves, 2 part Peppermint. 1 part Lobelia
Herbal Tooth Powder you can make. I made a couple of tooth Powders a number of years back and these were very popular. This powder will help strengthen the gums and assist in tightening loose teeth. With regular brushing it will also lift the tooth luster and make for a very healthier mouth without the nasty additives of store bought toothpaste. Can also be left overnight. Blessings Hans the Herbalist.💕🌺



New Entry 6/18/22:

FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured


New Entry 4/22/22:
Here’s what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the “universal antidote”


New Entries 3/31/22:


Here’s How to Prepare for a Nuclear Attack



Are You As Organized for an Emergency as You Should Be?

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Survival Food Series: Medicinal Plants for the Survival Garden



New Entry 3/20/22:

How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails & Vaccines in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland


New Entry 3/8/22:

From a friend:

Australian herbalist, Hans from Sonnengarten Organics writes:

…We may not be able to completely detox from this new vaccine however we can make life a little better and more comfortable.

Remember to keep the Lymph moving Drink freshly squeezed apple juice with aloe or dandelion, and lemon juice you can make it 50/50 with pure water.

Make sure you are regular, at least 1 or 2 times a day.

Remember to keep the lymph going. Bounce on a mini trampoline, walking, light exercise, and breathing.

Herbs to take… Turmeric, horsetail, dandelion, cilantro parsley. Except for Horsetail, these are easy to get. Some grow wild and others can easily be grown in pots. Grow heaps. If this is inconvenient buy tinctures from your herbalist, whatever you do, do it as quickly as possible.

Vitamin D3 and K2 at 100mcg per day are vital. Adults should take 20,000 iu daily for 2 weeks. Keep off dairy, all of it for the time being. 20mg to 40mg Zinc (as picolinate) per day

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after injection causing damage to cells, tissues and organs and in the process shed to others.

Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include, star anise dandelion, fennel seed, pine needle, milk thistle. Ivermectin, acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione’

the protein “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.” Blessings Hans💕

The vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs. Clearing the body of spiked protein is the first and foremost thing to do.

Shikimic Acid.

As I have mentioned Star anise, fennel, dandelion, pine needle, st johns wort, counteract blood clot formation and reduce some of the spike protein’s toxic effects. Make teas out of them or buy tinctures it doesn’t matter. You do need as much help as you can get, so purchase good quality herbs, don’t go for the powdered ones they are just junk. Find the whole herb and organic if possible.

Tincture combinations, Dandelion fennel, pine needle    Star anise, dandelion, fennel, pine needle.

I like to add Golden rod, Ruhmannia, Schizandra, Thuja, globe artichoke, to help the Kidneys and liver.

Other useful herbs would be for Blood clotting and heart health  these are important to consider.

There are a few larger organisations selling herbal products and quite frankly they are rubbish, yes even the health food industry is compromised. Seems the sign of the times. Try and purchase Australian grown Herbs. All food imported into Australia is irradiated, for your health.

Intermittent fasting can increase autophagy, which helps your body clear out damaged cells.  Fasting 12 to 14 hours per day eating for the rest. Fasting does not include any caloric drinks eg smoothies etc.

Take sauna often if you can, it promotes beneficial health changes and is a powerful detoxification method due to the sweating it promotes.

Following this protocol is a commitment, however one that may save your life or at least make it more comfortable even if you didn’t have the vaccine….

How to make a shedding tea.☕️☕️☕️

You are going to need a Glass or ceramic cooking utensil preferably,

however a stainless pot will do if it is all you have. For each 500ml of

water add one heaped tablespoon of star anise, fennel, dandelion leaf,

and if you can get some licorice root add it also if you like the flavour.

If you can find pine needle add it also, however leave it out if you cant

identify 100%. Some pines are not beneficial.  You would need to drink a

minimum 3 to 4 cups a day depending on your socializing. Bring your pot

of water to a rolling boil and turn down heat to just under boiling add

herbs. And simmer for about 20 min. important not to boil, decant off

and now you have your own shedding tea. You can use the herbs again,

just add water and repeat. Health food shops will general carry these

herbs. If pregnant do away with the pine needles and star anise. Teas

are quite mild in comparison to  tinctures, Tinctures  are 5 to 6

times the strength of tea and are very convenient, 20 to 30 drops

3 x per day or when desired. Eat healthy  and trust your

knowing. 😇😇 trust yourself

Abundance of Health and Blessings Hans the Herbalist


New Entry 2/18/22

A grassroots organization dedicated to research and collaboration with institutions and physicians to increase understanding and awareness for patients suffering lasting effects Post-Covid and/or post Covid vaccine

New Entries 2/14/22


Honey and Nigella Sativa (black cumin seeds) for Covid-19

Anticancer Activities of Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin)


New Entries 2/4/22
Pandemic prepping: How to make DIY hand sanitizer


New Entry 2/1/22
RESEARCH: Manuka honey contains natural antiviral compounds that fight influenza (and covid)


New Entry 1/28/22
American Frontline Nurses’ primary objective is to educate, equip and empower nurses, patients, and families to manage their healthcare, advocate for safe, ethical healthcare options, and to maintain an individual’s medical freedom.


New Entry 1/9/22

Spike Protein Detox Guide

New Entries 12/3/21


America’s Frontline Doctor Reveals How To Detoxify From Graphene Oxide–detox info. starts around 22:00 and ends around 49:00.


Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol – David Avocado Wolf

DIY with Chlorine Dioxide A Health-Guide for Making & Using ClO2 in the Home by Brian Stone MBA, Ph.D., Student of Health

Doctor Finds Treatment For Vaxx Victims, Sees Major Improvement in Blood!

New Entry 11/29/21

DIY with Chlorine Dioxide A Health-Guide for Making & Using ClO2 in the Home by Brian Stone MBA, Ph.D., Student of Health

New Entry 11/22/21


New Entry 11/2/21

Is Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) a Miracle Cure?

There is continued mounting evidence that Chlorine Dioxide
is likely the BEST antidote in existence to counter, mitigate,
and neutralize the poisons injected with the Coivd Death Jab
as well as CURE you – within 48 hours – of the symptoms that


New Entry on 10/20/21

UV Light Fixtures Would END COVID TYRANNY, They’re Available NOW!


New Entries on 10/11/21

FLCCC Prevention and Treatment Protocol for Covid-19:

New Entry on 10/8/21

Treatment Protocol from Dr. Zandre’ Botha.

Covid Treatment/Prevention:

Post Covid Treatment Protocol:


New Entry on 8/18/21

‘Super-antibodies’ could curb COVID-19 and help avert future pandemics


New Entries on 8/13/21

I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

I-MASK+ Protocol

Fear has no place here in the land of the free home of the brave
Early MULTI DRUG treatment at home saves lives!

Our multi-drug protocols include all the controversial safe generic drugs whose names we aren’t supposed to mention ❤️🇺🇸🌈as well as over-the-counter therapeutics Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc.


New Entry on 7/30/21

Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
The Many Health Benefits of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) & Glutathione:


New Entries on 7/29/21

15 Items you should have in your emergency bag

Safety first: Tips for stocking your First Aid kit before SHTF


New Entries on 7/27/21

Spanish Researchers Find a Way to Remove Magnetic Graphene From Body after the Covid Shot:

Janiece’s Note: We also take NAC. From Forbidden Knowledge “GRAPHENE OXIDE IN JABS, MASKS, AND SWABS”. From the article: In other words, everybody using Chinese surgical masks and taking COVID tests has been getting hit with graphene oxide – not just the vaccinated people! countless studies in practice have shown that treatment with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), which is a precursor of glutathione or glutathione administered directly cured COVID-19 disease very quickly in patients, plain and simple because glutathione levels were raised to cope with the administered toxicant called graphene oxide.

Graphene* Creates Morgellons Fibers via Electrical Charge:


*From Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide

This nutrition protocol is a compilation shared by experts, including David Wolfe.

  1. Quercetin or Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): Quercetin works like HCQ. One of its mechanisms of action is that it blocks the ‘virus’ (with spikes around it) from attaching. These two supplements will help with spike protein damage and apply to most organs of the body but not all.
  2. Ivermectin: Ivermectin blocks spike proteins from attaching to the cell membrane. (Alternative is Neem Oil.)
  3. Dandelion Leaf: Dandelion Leaf Extract blocks spike proteins from attaching to the cell membrane.
  4. Chlorine Dioxide (CDS)* — see entry right below: Andreas Kalker–or Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) Chlorine dioxide neutralizes and eliminates the spikes.  Janiece’s Note: We have been taking CDS for over a year. Love this stuff. We shared it with all of you last year as well. Hope you took the time to read about it last year. More on CDS below. 

To read the entire article Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide go to


*New Entry on 7/6/21 ANDREAS KALCKER–CLINICAL STUDY WITH CHLORINE DIOXIDE: New solutions to end the COVID-19


Andreas Kalcker’s protocols for Covid-19:


New Entry on 7/1/21 I-MASS – Prevention & At Home Treatment Mass Distribution Protocol for COVID-19

New Entry on 6/28/21 RESEARCH: Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor


New Entry on 5/18/21 

Health Ranger talks with Jeffrey Prather about covid, pine needle tea, Native American medicine and more

Janiece’s Note: We make white pine needle tea and drink it every day. We collect pine needles from our White Pine Tree in our yard, wash them, cut them up, and place them in a glass jar (with a metal spoon inside). We pour water that was bowled over the pine needles in the glass jar. Hence the metal spoon is inside so the glass does not break. Many people say to leave it seeping for at least 15 minutes. We put our mixture outside in the Sun after pouring the hot water over it and leave it for three or four hours. Adding some vitamin D from the Sun in our healing Pine Needle Tea is excellent.

And please do not forget your food and water storage, etc.

Information from Mike Adams at Natural News:


Janiece’s Note: With regards to water, we also have specially filtered straws. They are in our storage and I can’t find them right now to give you the brand. Do your research and you can find the filtered straws, pills to purify water, etc. We have a lake down the street and we got the special straws if need be. 

Info. regarding water from’s telegram page. She has tons of helpful information:
















New Entry on 12/28/20

Free Downloadable ebook entitled Stealth Strategies to Stop Covid Cold from Dr. Mercola. Click this link to get your copy:


New Entry on 8/25/20

Sacramento Using Chlorine Dioxide* to Kill Coronavirus on Surfaces, but FDS and FTC say it can’t be used for Personal Protection. Taken from the article: As explained by Andreas Kalcker, one of the world’s leading experts on chlorine dioxide, this simple substance – which is not bleach, by the way, as is being falsely reported by the mainstream media – floods the bloodstream with oxygen when taken internally, enriching hemoglobin molecules and allowing patients to breathe more fully. This is exactly what we want when facing an alleged respiratory pandemic.

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to speak with Kalcker directly about the benefits of chlorine dioxide, which you can learn more about by checking out the following episode of The Health Ranger Report:  

You will find the video and the article at this link:

* CDS is a concentrated aqueous solution of 0,3% (3000ppm) of chlorine dioxide gas, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in the solution and has a neutral pH.

New Entry on 8/11/20

Recipe for Quinine Water from our friend:

Quinine water: use the peel and pith of 3 grapefruits, cover with water (not tap water), simmered with a lid on for 2hrs then cool (leave the lid on). Sieve the fluid from the peels, bottle, and keep tonic refrigerated (lasts about a week of using About 60ml, 3 times a day + zinc as directed on the bottle to fight viral infections or boost the immune system.)


List of supplements that we find helpful:

Olive Leaf: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and immune-stimulating properties.

Osha Root: Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Boosts the immune system, and helps with respiratory and breathing difficulties. Great to have on hand during the cold and flu season. 

Colloidal Silver 

Nano Silver





Vitamin C–Sodium Ascorbate along with other C vitamins you take. 

Liquid Oxygen

MMS (Chlorine Dioxide). Here is the website to learn and order:  Or you may learn how to make CDS/MMS by watching this video:

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to speak with Kalcker directly about the benefits of chlorine dioxide, which you can learn more about by checking out the following episode of The Health Ranger Report:  

You will find the video and the article at this link:

Shungite Stones for Water Purification 

Liver Support Supplements we use Nature’s Sunshine. Also, Milk Thistle and Dandelion, are good too.

Coconut Oil

Vitamin D

Vitamin A




Licorice Root 



From Mike Adams at Natural News: Added on 4/5/20: The FDS Approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Himalayan Salt–Our friend sent the following bit she found on a health blog. When we get that link from her, we will share it with everyone. “Salt improves your skin hydration, deeply heals lung tissue, loosens mucus in the lungs, and is anti-inflammatory. It helps those with COPD, smoker’s cough, asthma sufferers, and allergies. There are 2 types of salt therapy: wet and dry (usually uses Himalayan salt).  Please look this up if you can—it is one of the best ways to improve your immune system and cleanse your lungs.”

Also, be sure to get out in nature and walk/hike and hang out with the trees, rocks, flowers, and all of Nature’s Bounty! Get lots of sun if weather and chemtrails permit! 

We have been hearing about the good effects of Ultra Violet Light in helping to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and pathogens.

Also, fewer WiFi Gadgets. No cell phones in bedrooms at night while you sleep–please. Our house has three floors and we sleep on the top floor and the cell phones are kept on the bottom floor at night. We still have a landline hooked up just in case. We turn off our router at night as well.

Also, please don’t wear those devices on your wrists that keep track of people’s physical needs such as when to get up and walk around for exercise, etc. It is certainly our desire that parents would not buy these things for their children. Yikes! It is about going within and being in touch and connected with ourselves and what our body requires and not relying on an outside device to take control of our lives and ruin our immune systems. Let’s be Aware and Evolve and not unaware and WiFried.

Here is a link to a website that shares information about DIY Sanitizers, Cleaners, Soaps, Cold Aids, and Body Products:

Picture of Holly and Latte who loved our healings. It is great to boost our dogs’ (animals) immune systems. For example, coconut oil, omegas, probiotics, Echinacea. We even give our dogs some CDS. Leila, our Labradane+ in the picture below, was getting some lumps on her, and with healings and a tiny bit of CDS, she is lump-free and very happy. 


Leila and Annabelle enjoy their nice freshwater. You can find more information on the internet on how to keep your pets healthy. 







Essential Oils:  
In a diffuser as well as a mixture place under the nose and massage the bottom of your feet such as Lavender, Rosemary, Chamomile, Myrrh, Frankincense, Bergamot or whatever you enjoy.


Essential Oil Liquid Toothpaste:

Organic Coconut Oil, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Colloidal Silver


Part 2: Staying Healthy & Feeling Fine 3/13/20

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

It is a time for Connection, Creativity and Calm Centeredness

Thank you, everyone, who took the time to watch the video we sent out at the beginning of this week and also write to us to say how much you enjoyed it. Yes, we also loved when Michael said on the video that it isn’t about hiding in a “protective bubble,” which he calls “the bubble of fear,” it is about radiating so strongly from within (our God connection) that things can pass by or bounce off. Quite insightful!

We have been adding more information to the article “Be Aware – Be Prepared” we sent out in January 2020 and are sharing that just below. Before we get into that, we are letting you know that yes, Tristan has our Healing and Empowerment Altar up and running for the entire planet and all inhabitants. Many of you know that our Healing and Empowerment Altars are something we do all the time. We still had our Healing and Empowerment Altar up for Australia when Tristan said he wanted to create one after learning about the crown/coronavirus. I kept thinking of what pictures we could run off for our Altar when Tristan walked into the room, holding his Globe. He said, “This ought to do it.” He always seems to know what is required. Since we live in a doing universe, we are doing our part to be a contribution to every living thing. 

We have heard from some very lovely people who live in a country that is on total lockdown. We send blessings of excellent health and well-being and our love to them. May they and all others always be surrounded by God’s loving embrace. 

Now that families are spending more time together, why not stay off the electronics and do something meaningful together? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Share the dreams that you have during your dream time with each other. 

2. Choose some crystals that you and your children or friends are drawn to and do healing on each other.  If you are alone, you can heal yourself with one or more crystals. Create a crystal cluster all around you and lie inside it, feeling all the lovely energies from the crystals. If you have animals, do some healing on them–they truly enjoy all the loving energy!

3. Do QiGong together and learn how to work with your energy. Make a chi (energy) ball with your hands. As you move your hands closer and farther from each other, how does it feel? Just be aware.

4. Enhance your telepathy skills and communicate energetically by one person thinking of something and feeling it very strongly. For example, thinking and visualizing a beautiful beach with palm trees, the bright sun shining in the deep blue sky, and dolphins jumping in the ocean. As you vividly think about this vision and feel it strongly, another person will tell you any impression that they perceive. Perhaps they will feel the warmth of the sun or the ocean breeze. They may immediately see the picture in their mind and hear the waves splashing the shore or even hear the frolicking of the playful dolphins. 

5. Listen to music together. Yesterday Tristan and I listened to Hawaiian music. It was a fantastic way to relax after a day of house cleaning and laundry. Plus, we go beyond the beaches of Hawaii and share our visualizations of the beautiful beaches on Andromeda and Lemuria too! 

6. Do some journaling. What is coming up for you during this time? If you have children and teens, what is coming up for them? If your children or grandchildren are too young to journal, they can draw. When Tristan was little, he loved drawing what he was experiencing. Be sure to process whatever is surfacing for you, your family, and your friends.

We are being given the opportunity of enormous growth if we take the time and go within our hearts and connect more meaningfully with ourselves. 

It is a time for Connection, Creativity and Calm Centeredness