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Janiece’s Blog
Spiritual Energy Blessing for the Safety and
Comfort of People and Animals
Tristan, Michael & Janiece Boardway
Saturn3lightflyers.com 10/4/24
To read this Blessing, please go to https://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/blessing-for-safety-and-comfort/
What did Rudolf Steiner know about the
Spirit Beings, Angelic Beings, New Children/New Beings?
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Please read this article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/steiner-angelic-beings/
Do Children Cause Karma?
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Please read this article at
6/14/22: Although I wrote the articles regarding Deprogramming a few years ago, I am reposting them again. We find that as more people are ReAwakening, they require the tools to assist them on their journey of Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness, and Self-Empowerment, which you will find at the link below.
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
To Read these Articles on how you can be more Alive, Awake, and Aware and take Action as the Empowered Being You Truly Are, please go to
Open Your Eyes! Expand Your Mind! Be Aware!
(Please check back because we are always adding new information to this page).
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway
Read more at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/open-your-eyes-open-your-mind/
Nature Filled Visualization
Clearing and Cleansing the Chakras with Nature
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Saturn3Lightflyers – 6/23/21
Please read more at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/nature-filled-visualization/
To see some of the first films that Tristan ever made, please go to
Cleansing and Clearing Your Home: Back to the Basics
Please read more at https://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/cleansing-and-clearing-your-home-back-to-the-basics/
ReAwakening vs. Rebirthing: Is There a Difference?
Connecting With & Receiving Help From Your Child’s Higher Self, Angels & Other Benevolent Beings
Please read the article at https://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/higher-self/
Schools In Crisis/Moms For Liberty, Let Them Breath, Citizens For Free Speech & More Resources
Read more here:
Why Don’t People Wake-Up?
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/why-dont-people-wake-up/
The Power Within – Med Beds
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-power-within-med-beds/
How We Got Here and How to Get Out and Consciously Create!
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/how-we-got-here-how-to-get-out-create-consciously/
The Path to Self-Discovery
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/path-to-self-discovery/
Taking Responsibility for Our Body, Mind and Spirit
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/taking-responsibility-for-our-body-mind-spirit/
“When we have the information* and become more aware,
we can make conscious choices that truly create long-lasting, meaningful changes for the World.”
Michael, Janiece & Tristan
To watch the documentary, The Dimming, by Geoengineering Watch, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-dimming-geoengineering-chemtrals-haarp/
Tristan’s Amazing News & 5th Dimensional Consciousness Visualization
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/tristans-amazing-news-5th-dimensional-consciousness-merry-christmas-happy-holidays-new-year/
The Great Unmasking. The Choice is Yours. by Cathy O’Brien
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-great-unmasking-the-choice-is-yours-by-cathy-obrien/
A Hero’s Welcome
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/a-heros-welcome/
The 4th Dimension: From Deception, Division and Confusion to Awareness, Empowerment and Evolution
Michael & Janiece Boardway www.saturn3lightflyers.com
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-4th-dimension-from-deception-division-and-confusion-to-awareness-empowerment-and-evolution/
Why Do People Choose Unawareness and Ignorance Over Awareness and Consciousness
Please read the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/why-do-people-choose-unawareness-and-ignorance-over-awareness-and-consciousness/
Asteroids: Did You Know?
The Boardway Family
To continue reading this article, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/asteroids-did-you-know/
Starseeds (New Children/New Beings/Star Beings), Pure Hearts, Keys & Codes
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
I heard someone talking about the Starseed (Indigo) children, and the person said that the ones who have a “pure heart” don’t contain the key codes for the 4th-dimensional control system. The person didn’t elaborate, and I wondered if you knew anything about the “key codes?”
When we think of the Starseeds (Indigos) or what we call New Children/New Beings, words like keys and codes do not come to mind because those words are limited and centered in the 3D and 4D realms. Many of these Starseeds (Indigos) or New Beings are beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions as they embody
To continue reading this article, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/starseeds-pure-hearts-keys-codes/
Tristan with a butterfly on his arm.
Natural Law or as our family calls “Living and Being in Integrity”
More Fully Alive, Awake, Aware, and Taking Action as the Empowered Person you Truly Are!
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
For our family, living in Integrity means everything we do is for the betterment of humanity! Furthermore, it means we do no harm. We know that as we endeavor to do our work, it enhances and
To continue reading this article, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/natural-law-or-living-with-integrity
To get the recipe for Quinine water, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/quinine-water-recipe/
5G/Wireless Awareness & Empowerment
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
To Read this Article and Take Empowered Action, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/5g-wireless-awareness-empowered-action/
Riots-5G-Mind Control: Need I Say More!
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Is it just my family and I that are noticing the “out-of-body-mind-spirit” appearance of the rioters and many of the protestors? It is
To Read this Article, please go to: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/riots-5g-mind-control-need-i-say-more/
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
To Read these Articles on how you can be more Alive, Awake, Aware and take action as the Empowered Being You Truly Are, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/deprogramming/
Time to Connect:
Telepathy, Communicating Energetically, Heart to Heart
(Connection, Calm-Centeredness, Creativity, Atlas Comet Energy, Rudolf Steiner & More)
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Do you remember a couple of weeks ago that I wrote in an article that “It is a time for connection, creativity, and calm centeredness”? Let’s take that a bit further, shall we?
To read more, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/time-to-connect-telepathy-communicating-energetically-creativity-atlas-comet-energy/
I Will NOT Turn Away, Will You?
By Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
In our Meditations, let us not forget those who are on the front lines every day. We honor and give thanks for everything.
To read this article, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/i-will-not-turn-away-will-you/
Part 2: Staying Healthy & Feeling Fine!
Thank you, everyone, who took the time to watch the video we sent out at the beginning of this week and also write to us to say how much you enjoyed it. Yes, we also loved when Michael said on the video that it isn’t about hiding in a “protective bubble,” which he calls “the bubble of fear,” it is about radiating so strongly from within (our God connection) that things can pass by or bounce off. Quite insightful!
We have been adding more helpful information to the article “Be Aware – Be Prepared” we sent on January 28, 2020. To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/part-2-staying-healthy-feeling-fine/
Wow! What a Journey of Expansion
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
As my family and I were editing our Trailer for our Journey and Evolution with the New Beings Video Seminar yesterday (which is above), I was thinking and feeling how truly grateful I am for Michael and Tristan. We have come together in this life and are on this truly magnificent (albeit squirrely in the 3D world at times) Journey & Evolution together. We absolutely love working together and sharing our information with others who are up to the task of being Alive, Awake, Aware, and Taking Action as the Empowered Beings they indeed are.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/wow-what-a-journey-of-expansion/
The Attack on and Taking Care of Our Crown Chakra
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
A few years ago, my family and I were off the mountain or “down the hill” as we mountain people call it. Michael was giving seminars in an area that is densely populated with people and WiFi. Something that we are not very used to being around.
Michael had already gone into his conference room, and Tristan and I were sitting and having refreshments at the restaurant at the hotel. All of a sudden, I began to feel quite dizzy. I told Tristan that I felt that my energy was being taken out of the top of my head, and this was causing me to feel dizzy. He said that he saw a vortex of energy above my head, taking or harvesting the energy from my Crown Chakra. Additionally, Tristan said that he felt it above his head and saw this energy-harvesting vortex above the heads of everyone else in the restaurant.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/crown/
We Were Created to Ascend and Evolve! Not Suffer and Die.
Coronavirus–Enhancing your Immune System & Essential Oils
The Boardway Family
When we learned of the Coronavirus, instead of becoming fearful or minimizing it, we decided to take action. As our family always says, being alive, awake, and aware leads us to empowered action.
To continue reading, please go to https://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/immunesystem/
Our Prayers & Blessings to Australia — A Call to Action
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway
To read this article and blessing, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/our-prayers-blessings-to-australia-a-call-to-actio
New Children * New Beings Who Embody Crystalline Energies
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway www.saturn3lightflyers.com
We were asked the following question during our Journey with the New Beings Teleconference we had recently. We thank the mom (Cynthia) very much for allowing us to share her question and our answer with everyone.
Note from Cynthia: By all means, please share my question with as many people as you can since your answer helped me tremendously understand my children, and I now know how to help them. As I told you a few times already, the information you shared on your teleconference and in your book was invaluable, and I am already seeing improvements in my family. I started reading your book again for the third time and I am still finding new and helpful information.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/crystalline-new-children-new-beings/
Declaration for Earth and all Its Inhabitants
Janiece, Michael & Tristan www.saturn3lightflyers.com
We call upon everyone to assist us in this Declaration for our Mother Earth. During this time of great transition, the effects are seen and felt throughout our planet. Whether natural, caused by the hands of others, or technologies, Earth requires our help in its healing so it can be renewed, rejuvenated, and restored to its original essence.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/blessingforearth/
The Journey of True Ascension (Crystalline Grid-Soul Origins-Evolution)
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. Saturn3Lightflyers.com
Tristan drew the picture above, depicting Earth and the three grids that are surrounding it at this time.
As we can see in the picture above, the original Crystalline Grid was created by the New Children/New Beings approximately in the 1990s. Actually, they began to build it before that time; however, completed it in the early 1990s. These high vibrational New Beings made this crystalline grid so they could communicate with one another.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-journey-of-true-ascension/
Beyond the Clown Disguise
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Do you know anything about clowns? The reason why I am asking is that I work at a preschool and two people dressed as clowns came to read for story hour, and some of the children became very upset. They were so upset that I took them out of the room until the people dressed as clowns left. I asked them why they were so frightened, and one little girl said that she has bad dreams about clowns, but could not remember any of the details. The other two children did not know why and only knew that the clowns are “scary.”
Thank you for your question and for going beyond the usual explanations of why children become upset. Our children (all New Beings) function beyond this reality, so it is vital for all of us to go beyond as you are doing.
Because the one little girl said that she had “bad” dreams about clowns, we are going with this answer, which has to do with alien abductions*. Furthermore, for at least one child, it does appear to be an abduction scenario after reading the energy.
The Grey aliens are masterful as disguising themselves, and sometimes they show up dressed as clowns. That may sound bizarre, but it is true. Of course, Greys can show up as how they look, but many times they will present as something that comes from the 3D
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/beyond-the-clown-disguise/
What’s Up with all the Blue:
Blue Beings, Blue Avatars, Project Bluebird
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
As you know, we love awareness because that is the energy of expansion. Even though the question below was asked of us five years ago, because we didn’t come to any conclusions, we are still receiving awareness.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/blue/
Signs from the Animals
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Last week it was brought to our awareness by someone that she saw a flock of Canadian geese flying in the skies migrating South. Now, this was a bit out of the ordinary since it is only July and generally we see the Canadian geese migrating in October and sometimes late September. I was a bit disappointed because it is thrilling to see these birds flying in their formation in the skies, and we missed out. Well, we think so anyway. I shared this information with Michael and Tristan, and we speculated on the reasons for the geese to migrate so early, which I will write about in just a moment.
Michael P. Boardway
Question: I hear a lot about frequency and vibration these days. Can you elaborate more on what they mean and how we are affected?
Answer: Everything is energy. It is the amount of vibrational absorption that is received and given out (transmitted and received). We can send out or receive varying amounts of energy since we are transmitters and receptors.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/energy-vibration-frequency/
Part 1 (Please see below for Part 2)
Reclaiming and Embodying our Memories on our Journey of Awareness, Expanded Consciousness, and Evolution: Plus, an Exercise to Help You be More of Who You Are!
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Part 2
Exercise for Welcoming Home Your Memories and Being More of Who You Are
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
In this Part 2 of Reclaiming and Embodying our Memories, we will share an exercise on what to do now that we have started to recover our memories.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/welcome-home/
Is It Really Important to be Aware
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. Saturn3lightflyers.com
In our family, Awareness includes everything without judgment and gives us the information we require to take care of ourselves and our family. For example, a couple of days last week, by the afternoon,
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/is-it-really-important-to-be-aware/
From Our Heart to Yours
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
My version of the Unity Prayer for Protection above was the last words I whispered to my brother when he made his transition two years ago. On April 21, 2019, many brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters,
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/from-our-heart-to-yours/
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Our friend shared her favorite Puja Invocation, which is written in the picture to the left. She said, “This is what you and your family teach.” Her message is very significant to Michael, Tristan, and I and our hearts are deeply touched.
Awareness is truly amazing, and we are grateful that our son, Tristan, taught us this very important lesson. As my family and I have written and said many times before, when we are aware of everything, without judgment, then we can take the appropriate action as the Empowered Beings we truly are. Of course, some of the new information we
To continue reading (and read the Remember the Children Blessing, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/remember-the-children-energy-blessing/
Spiritual Cleanliness, Spiritual Responsibility, Spiritual Integrity
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. Saturn3lightflyers
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
The Equinoxes and Solstices are times of one season ending while another begins. It can, for many, create some unstable energies. We have heard from many about a tremendous amount of “confusion” in their lives. We know that our family has been concentrating extra diligently on being present with ourselves and grounded. With the changing of the seasons, it asks us to bring balance and harmony within ourselves when the energies are shifting quite intensely.
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/spiritual-responsibility-spiritual-cleanliness-spiritual-integrity/
The Power of Embodying & Being the Blessing
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway
As we rise up with Divine Source Creator, all of the Angels and Benevolent Beings of the Highest True Light we send our loving healing energy to everyone who has ever been affected by the atrocities of others. May those who have perished by such means be embraced by this loving healing light as they ascend into the higher realms, penetrating any illusions that have kept them bound in the karmic cycles of pain, suffering, trauma, and drama. As they transcend these illusions, may they also lift all others who have become lost in the realms that are not of the highest and most loving light. We declare that these precious souls are gently and ever so lovingly taken on their journey to the Highest Realms.
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-power-of-embodying-being-the-blessing-2/
Vibrational Green Architecture tm
Holistic Approach – The Whole Picture
Michael P. Boardway, R.A.
* Professor * Architect *
For many years I have been taught in the Profession of Architecture that extensive attention must be put on the appearance of the Building as well as how it functions inside. Does it have an appropriate Architectural Style to match the function? What about its scale and proportion? Little or no emphasis focused on the experience or reaction of the occupants. For example, would the individuals that use the space enjoy the space and respond with an appropriate attitude based on its function?
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/vibrational-green-architecture-by-michael-p-boardway-2/
Comment from a Soul Talk Interview Listener Regarding “Light” Energy
In your interview on Soul Talk, the interviewer said another speaker shared on their program that when there is a negative event, to send light to it. You said that it depends on what we are dealing with because if you send light to some, they will send poison arrows back to you. That made me think of 911 when I met with other lightworkers to send “light” out to all who were involved in this event. Every one of us became ill after
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/light-energy/
Question & Answer
Are all Crop Circles Made by the Benevolent Beings
We received this question a few years ago, and since we received a crop circle calendar from someone this year, it reminded us that it might be nice to share our answer.
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/crop-circles/
Where Do We Go From Here
The Expanded Version
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
In your book, you wrote that at a very young age, you were told that Tristan was a conduit between this World and the Spirit World and I thought I would ask you a question about where we go when we crossover. My aunt passed
To continue reading, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/where-do-we-go-from-here-the-expanded-version/
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Magazine March 2019 edition

With our hearts filled with gratitude, we give thanks to Divine Source Spirit, Angels, and all the Beings of Light as they bestow upon us all of their blessings as we move forward in this time of transition and transformation. The road we have taken of self-discovery and self-awareness may not always have been easy because we have gone so deep within to find and embody our inner truth and express our inner knowing, that nothing could hide. We thank you Divine Source Spirit, Angels, and all the Beings of Light for extending your loving support during the most difficult of times. Even though perhaps we could not fully experience and embrace it, your love has lifted us and brought us forward to where we are now. As we continue on our journey of evolution, we know that we are divinely guided because we are connected to our Higher Self and our True Self, for they are One. Everything we require at every given moment is within us now. We do not turn away from any darkness and pretend it does not exist. No, we face it straight away because we know we are self-empowered. We have done the “work” it takes to acknowledge ourselves, trust ourselves and our inner knowing, and walk-in Courage, Strength, and Glory. As we embody our Original Essence and shine our True Light upon the Earth, may we be an example to others who are just beginning their journey and assist them in stepping into their true selves.
We thank you Divine Source Spirit, Angels, and all the Beings of Light for making these Blessings a reality for all of us and physically actualizing them right here and right now.
With our love, Janiece, Michael & Tristan
From Fear to Courage to Empowerment
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
The story we are sharing began when a mom contacted us asking for help with her 14-year-old daughter. The mother and daughter allowed us to share this information with the desire that their story may be helpful to others who are targeted.
To continue reading, please go to the following: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/from-fear-to-courage-to-empowerment/
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Living Magazine May 2019 edition
Nature is Calling: Are You Listening?
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A. www.saturn3lightflyers.com
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
We have always had the desire to spend time in nature, especially since we live in the mountains. We can glance out the window of our home and see trees, trees, and more trees. The trees on our property have always been very lively. Every Spring for many years, I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning by their conversations that were filled with excitement when the birds began building their nests. It seemed that every living thing was beaming with the joy and freshness of new beginnings.
To continue reading, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-voices-of-nature/
Embodying our Awareness
Janiece & Michael Boardway
For many years, we have been hearing the word “sensitive” when describing many of these new children (teens and adults), and we hear from many people who have questions about the “sensitive” children in their lives. We have heard that they are sensitive to food, sound, colors, clothing, electronics, the environment, and many other factors. Now it seems like “energetically sensitive” is the new buzz phrase in describing many of the children, as well as many of us.
To read more on our website, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/embodying-our-awareness-2/
Andromedans and Pleiadians and Shapeshifters, oh, my!
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
A couple of months ago, we wrote the article entitled, “Inspirations from Andromeda.” We discussed how the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy are moving together and merging. We received many emails from people who really enjoyed this information. One person questioned the importance of this merging since the information they were privy to with regard to our evolution far exceeds anything to do with Andromeda.
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/andromedans-pleiadians-and-shapeshifters-oh-my/
Saturn Again?
It’s Question & Answer Time
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Question: Why do you have a picture of Saturn in the background of your latest video on YouTube? I know you have the write-up about Saturn on your website regarding your name, Saturn 3 Lightflyers, but why would you use a name that is representative of a Satanic planet to represent your family?
Answer: Our family views Saturn quite differently than those who only see its connection with the satanic cult energies that many
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/saturn-again-its-question-answer-time/
To read Tristan’s article, “Inspirations from Andromeda” please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/inspirations-from-andromeda/
Question: My 18-month-old granddaughter never seems to be happy and she hardly ever smiles. She is very sweet, nice to others, and is never mean, but as I said, she seems very unhappy. Is there anything I can do to help her?
Tristan’s Answer: Your granddaughter did not want to come to Earth in this life. She remembered lifetimes on Earth that weren’t good and did not want to come here because she was happy where she was. She lived on
To read more, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/helping-an-unhappy-toddler-find-her-happiness-once-more/
Question & Answer
Awareness of the Energy of Group Meditations and Guided Visualizations
The Boardway Family, Saturn3Lightflyers.com
Question: Recently, my friend and I went to a spiritual center to take part in a guided visualization. About 5 minutes into the visualization, I started feeling energetically attacked, so I stopped participating in the meditation and just sat quietly clearing my energy. On the drive home, I mentioned what I experienced and my friend said she felt the same thing, opened her eyes, and saw a negative Being standing behind the woman who was
To continue reading, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/qa-awareness-of-the-energy-of-group-meditationsvisualizations/
What are the Current Energies?
Written 2/12/18
Tristan S. Boardway
Have you and your family been irritable or felt nervous lately? Maybe you have felt an anxious energy floating around. I have been sensing this type of energy and wanted to say that it is from many sources. A couple of sources that are causing this anxious type of energy is coming from the Chemtrails and HAARP. My family and I have seen a lot of HAARP clouds in the sky and the energy we perceive from them is very chaotic and nervous. Other things that are causing this type of energy are coming from the WiFi, Smart meters, cell
To continue reading, please go to the following link: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/what-are-the-current-energies/
Last year, Tristan was asked to contribute a chapter in the book, “Be the Star You Are for Millennials.”
The theme of this book is “The Gift of ____” and everyone who was asked to write a chapter chose what gift they would enjoy writing on. The topic that Tristan chose was: “The Gift of Awareness.” After many edits and changes, because this was a subject that was quite different from the subject matter of this book, Tristan’s chapter was accepted. Tristan was very pleased, as were we. By Tristan sharing his information in this type of book, it truly is our desire that people will begin to ReAwaken to their gifts and abilities that are beyond this 3D reality. Here is the Chapter he wrote.
The Gift of Awareness
Tristan S. Boardway
We all have the ability of intuition; although, many people do not use this gift. Especially nowadays when people rely so much on technology to give them answers, instead of going within asking questions and receiving the awareness that will give them the information they require.
To read more, please go to the following page: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-gift-of-awareness-2/
What Happened?
A Sincere Question from the
Boardway Family
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
When Michael and I began our spiritual adventure many years ago, even before the birth of Tristan, we thought about the upcoming years and how advanced we would be in our evolution. Then, of course, when Tristan was born, we were sure by the year 2017, everyone would be on their spiritual path while firmly grounded happily in our bodies on Mother Earth. After all, if a high vibrational spiritually evolved person like Tristan was born, surely many others were as well and humanity would openly embrace all their gifts and abilities, reawakening their own gifts and abilities. Perhaps this reawakening happened and is happening on a small scale after all here we are sharing our information.
To Read More, Please Click:
Strengthening Our
Life Force
The Boardway Family Saturn3lightflyers.com
As we all know, this is a time of tremendous shifts at a macro and micro level. For each of us personally who have chosen this in-depth exploration of our true selves, we continue on our journey and do our personal “work” (no folks, it definitely isn’t play time or time to get lost in the busyness of life that was invented to shut down our awareness). It is a process
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/strengthening-our-life-force/
Self Mastery in the 4th Dimension
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway
Although we received this question quite a while ago, we still see its significance and wanted to share this information with everyone.
For years, I have heard that we can go from the 3rd dimension right into the 5th dimension without having to experience the 4th dimension. It seems that we are experiencing the 4th dimension right now. What happened and why didn’t we go right to the 5th dimension?
To Read More, Please Click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/self-mastery-in-the-4th-dimension/
The Agenda Behind Computer Games
Tristan S. Boardway
On my 8-year-old grandson’s birthday, he was given an iPad and since that time, he plays a lot of games that are violent. He and his parents don’t seem to think it is a problem because they see these games as not being real. I don’t agree with them. I wanted to know what you think about all these violent games and do you think it affects children in a negative way.
Tristan’s Answer:
To Read More, Please Click:
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Living Magazine March 2019 edition
Being in the Space of Allowance
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
In ReAwakening, we become aware of things perhaps for the first time. As we ReAwaken, we are given the possibilities of growth beyond what we were at the moment before the awareness and invited to the next level of consciousness. During the process of ReAwakening, many of our awarenesses are not at all comfortable, and our personal world may be shaken. I would also say that many awarenesses are not convenient either since when an illusion is uncovered, we are invited to do and be something different. I mean why in the process of ReAwakening would we continue doing the same thing as before and being the same person as before?
To continue reading, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/being-in-the-space-of-allowance/
Inspirational Story
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
For those of you who did not know, in September of 2013, my brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer located in his colon, liver, and spots on his lungs. In August 2014, he no longer had any cancer. Quite an amazing story that we will share since it may be of assistance to someone you know. Here are some things that my brother said were of assistance to him.
To read more, please click:
Expanding Our Reality
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Throughout the years, our family has had many wonderful conversations. It is our desire that you have conversations like these with your family.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/expanding-our-reality/
The Energy of Music
Tristan S. Boardway
I have always been aware of music and the energy that it creates. Some of the music, mostly the popular music for people my age is very dense and heavy. I feel sad for the people who listen to this type of music because it lowers their vibration.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/theenergyofmusic/
The Breaths of Healing
Colors and Light
Janiece L Boardway, M.A.
As we are all aware, our Earth and all of its inhabitants have taken another hit by more of the Fukushima fallout over this past couple of weeks. This recent development along with all the other chemical, geoengineering, etc., atrocities occurring in the World is demanding our attention to the nth degree.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-breaths-of-healing-colors-and-light/
Outsmarting the Insanity
by the Boardway Family ww.saturn3lightflyers.com
Over the years, we have looked into various Orgonite devices to use in eliminating the effects of chemtrails, smart grids, WiFi, and everything else that has been invented to lower our vibration and otherwise harm us. We never felt comfortable with many of the materials that are used in making these devices such as resin and aluminum. When feeling into the energy of the Orgonite devices, we got a definite NO. We call it the “Eww” factor, as that was the word, albeit slang, which came to us along with the associating feelings and sensations!
To read more, please clink: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/outsmarting-the-insanity/
Declaring our Freedom from all Dark Forces
by The Boardway Family
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
As we all know, cults have been a part of this reality for a very long time. Although, we do know that these dark magic practices were not part of our original essence, and we did at one time, live in harmony and created our lives from a place of the best interests of all. Now, of course, we are only speaking of our family and our knowing of what is true for us and our origins. Others may have a different awareness of their individual creation since, of course, each of our original incarnations on Earth may have taken place at various times. So for our family, we trace these black magic cults back to the time when the Earth was abducted (a very long time ago) by the Beings who enjoy inventing and feeding off of crises, chaos, trauma, and drama. We will not be naming the particular dark Beings who were deliberately brought in to continue the agenda of these dark magic cults since there are quite a few.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/declaring-our-freedom-from-all-dark-forces/
Liberating our Soul Expression with the Energies of the Solstice
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Depending upon where we live in the World (Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere), we will welcome in the Summer Solstice or Winter Solstice, between June 20 and June 22, 2016. Since the word Solstice in Latin means literally “the sun, to make stand still,” we are invited to spend some time in our inner and outer reflection. Even though there are many distractions currently occurring in the World, it is important to continue our journey of contemplation. In fact, more than ever it is imperative to go to the depths of our soul expression and share this genuineness with every living thing.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/liberating-our-soul-expression-with-the-energies-of-the-solstice/
The Enchanted
Crystal Cities
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Have you ever seen crystal cities floating in our skies? We do and have since Tristan was about eight years old. The first time was during the summer when Tristan and I took a ride on the chairlift up to the top of the mountain for lunch and a nice walk afterward. While walking on the top of the mountain, we looked across the valley to another mountain range and there it was, a beautiful Crystal Castle. It was floating just above the mountain ridge, glistening in the sunshine, with all the colors of the rainbow. We stood watching in total awe as we connected to its real light energy and Beings inside as well as seeing each room and what they represented. It was incredible.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-enchanted-crystal-cities/
Cleansing, Clearing
& Centering
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
The Solstices, as well as the Equinoxes, are a time of one season ending while another begins. It can, for many, create some unstable energies. We have heard from many about a tremendous amount of “chaos” in their lives. We know that our family has been concentrating extra diligently on being present with ourselves and grounded. With the changing of the seasons, it asks us to bring balance within ourselves when the energies are shifting quite intensely.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/cleansing-clearing-centering/
Be in Our Power
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Yesterday, we watched the hearing in Sacramento on SB277, mandatory vaccinations. We are very grateful to all the people and all of their children who attended and spoke up for the rights and freedom of everyone. They presented themselves beautifully and eloquently. We are so very sorry that it fell on the deaf ears of those who made up their minds long ago in support of domination, control, and manipulation. We know who they have aligned with and they most definitely do not have our highest interests in mind.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/be-in-our-power/
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to
Conscious ReAwakening
Moms (and Dads too) are rising all around the World and demanding that Mother Earth is a place where Every Living Being and Thing Thrive and they are taking the action to make it so!
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/unity/
I Am Nurtured and Well Taken Care of in My Energy Field
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Do you perceive that there is more consciousness in the World? Very exciting times. My family and I have been waiting for a very long time (many lifetimes). More people are waking up, being aware of everything, without judgment, creating their lives, and taking action as the Empowered Beings they truly are.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
We took a picture of this spaceship cloud a few months ago. Looking at the sky, day or night, we all can see what many of the Star Beings are doing to assist our Earth and us. Like this one pictured above, these spaceship clouds are doing many things, including dissipating the chemtrails implemented in an attempt negatively to affect our weather, us, and all living things on our Earth. To place even more metals in everyone in an attempt to robotize us. Just like they do with vaccinations, food, water, cleaning goods, all electronics and so much more.
To read more, please click:
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
We invite you to stand with us, unified in the field of our true essence, with all the Benevolent Beings of the Highest and most Sacred Light in sending our loving healing light to those who have perished recently in France and to everyone (and all living things) who have left this Earthly plane by such unfathomable and violent means. As we express our reverence for all of these precious ones, we know that they are embraced by this loving light as they ascend into the higher realms, penetrating any illusions that have kept them bound in the karmic cycles of pain, suffering, trauma, and drama or in realms that are not of the highest and most loving light. We speak to them now saying, “You are remembered, You are loved, and You are respected for Expressing Your Truth.” Go now, ever so gently on your journey, and know that you will forever live in our hearts. Janiece, Michael & Tristan
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/prayer-for-healing/
Our Body, Our Choice
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to
Conscious ReAwakening
Here in CA apparently there is a measles “epidemic”. Well, that is what we are hearing from the “experts.” The other statement we are hearing is “get your children vaccinated.” I said to Michael that I had measles when I was a kid and asked him if he did and he said yes. We remembered that we stayed home a few days from school (is that a bad thing?) and then returned when we were feeling better. And here we are today, alive and well.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/our-body-our-choice/
Seeing Beyond Appearances;
A Story of Empowerment
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
A few months ago, a woman who is on our email list and a listener of our Voice America program (and now our friend), wrote to us about her experience with a boy at the school where she works. She wrote that many times when she went into the hallway of the school, she would see a little boy standing all alone by the wall.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/seeing-beyond-appearances-a-story-of-empowerment/
Wise Discernment
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAWakening
Wise Discernment has been a topic of conversation in our household for quite a few years, and how truly important it is for us to be in our awareness, our truth within our Hearts, and use Wise Discernment with any information we are hearing and energies we are receiving. What does this mean?
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/wise-discernment/
Understanding the New Children, Teens and Adults and Their Differences
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAWakening
We had a great time yesterday on our Voice America Show. Michael and I talked about the New Children, Teens, and Adults and Their Differences and why many of them have been seen as wrong. We also shared how all the Children, Teens & Adults; Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Star, Blue Diamond Star, Pyramid; are activating all of the Loving Light Energies. We discussed what is going on energetically and the illusions that those who would rather not see us evolve put in place lifetimes ago.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/understanding-the-new-children-teens-and-adults-and-their-differences/
The Fairy Realm
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Many of the children coming to Earth have had other lifetimes in the fairy realm. We have had many lifetimes in this realm as well. When you see children who are truly involved with everything in nature, the plants, animals, and have great compassion for all living things, well you know they have spent time in the Fairy Realm. These are the children who will care for and tend to Mother Earth and every living thing.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-fairy-realm/
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Living Magazine September 2018 edition
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Have you noticed that the children are speaking a different language, and many are not speaking at all? We call this new language “Soul Language” because it goes beyond our verbal language. It goes within the depths of our souls and is most definitely heart-centered. As we connect more deeply and become more present with ourselves, we begin to live within our heart center, and that is where our Soul Language resides.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-language-of-our-soul/
The Journey of our Hearts
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
I thought the message behind this photo was quite moving. For many years, I have looked within at the feelings, emotions, thoughts, and core belief systems that I have taken on during this lifetime and many lifetimes. Do these beliefs belong to me or have I picked them up along the way somewhere and most importantly are they even relevant in the New Earth?
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-journey-of-our-hearts/
Flying in the Cosmos with our Beings of Light Friends
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Since Tristan was quite little, we always taught him to ask the Angels and Spirit Guides to stay with his physical body when he slept. That way his physical body would always be well taken care of when he was out on his “night flights.” Then we would say okay Tristan, in your trips during your Dreamtime who would you enjoy taking with you. He would take AA Michael and others or a Spirit Guide or one of his Star Friends. That way the Beings of Light could take care of any of the “negative” types of beings or energies and Tristan would not be bothered by them. Additionally, if a negative entity were bothering Tristan, we would assist him in clearing this and help the entity to move on. We would also ask Tristan this question “who is more powerful a physical being or a non-physical being”, and he would answer that he as a physical being was more powerful. That way he would never be scared by these more “negative” entities.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/flying-in-the-cosmos-with-our-beings-of-light-friends/
Beyond Words
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
The above write-up was an interesting explanation of how plants “Be” in the World. I thought it especially fascinating that plants hear through vibrational frequencies just like us and every other living thing. It makes me reflect on how we communicate and takes in information and is far more meaningful than just verbal speech. It is what the New Children who do not speak at all are teaching us. We just have to slow down and be present in order to be aware of what they are sharing.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/beyond-words/
Wake Up
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Tristan said many years ago that they (the children) are different because people have been doing the same thing over and over again, and it is not working. As he said, “just look at all of the pain and sadness in the world.” He added that the children had to be so different in order to “wake everyone up” to the truth and get out of the illusion.
The Shining Light
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
I had such a beautiful experience firsthand with such an exceptional little healer at the market yesterday (yes, you heard me correctly). I was just picking up a couple of items and felt such pure and loving energy a bit behind me, so I looked and saw a little girl about seven years old who was with her mom. This seven-year-old girl would be defined in the three-dimensional world as having down syndrome.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-shinning-light/
Latte, Magnetism, and the Law of Attraction
Latte’s Adventures with the Yummy French Fry
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Today we took our dogs, Holly (the Golden +) and Latte (the Chocolate Lab mix) to Lake Arrowhead Village for a walk. Before we left home, I put some doggie goodies in my pocket to give the dogs at the Village. Of course, Holly and Latte smelled the goodies in my pocket and were definitely eager to get to the Village so they could enjoy their snacks. It’s a thing we do; go to the Village, take a walk, and then sit on the grass while the girls have their goodies. When we got to the Village, we were walking, and Latte with her ears perked up began pulling on the leash as if she saw a squirrel. Since there was no squirrel in sight, we were not sure at all why she was so excited. We then saw what she was so intently concentrating on. The people walking in front of us all had containers of french fries in their hands and were enjoying their snacks on their walk. Latte was working her vibration, and she was totally in the zone
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/latte-magnetism-and-the-law-of-attraction/
The Vibration of Things
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Our children and teens are extremely aware and can feel or see the energy of food. For example, Tristan has always seen the energy around food (I feel it) and we know when something is a lower vibration (contracted) which obviously is not very good for us, especially these high vibrational children/teens, etc., who are quite expanded. A helpful exercise to do is when shopping is to ask your kids if they feel, see, sense, etc., anything around certain foods. Even many of the organics haven’t tested to be very high vibrational for many
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-vibration-of-things/
A Dream is Only a Dream until
I Wake-Up
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
Since childhood, I have always loved my night flights in the cosmos. You know that freeing feeling of leaving the physical body and soaring out into the expansion of all that there is and beyond. The feeling of being nothing and everything at the same time. For many years, those night flights were lost to the depths of my unconscious mind since those around me were not so appreciative of the other realms of
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/a-dream-is-only-a-dream-until-i-wake-up/
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Magazine August 2018 edition
Embodying our Awareness
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
For many years, we have been hearing the word sensitive when describing many of these new children and lately many people have been writing to us about the “sensitive” children in their lives. We have heard that they are sensitive to food, sound, colors, clothing, electronics, and many other environmental factors. Now it seems like “energetically sensitive” is the new buzz phrase in describing many of the children as well as many of us.
To read more, please click: http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/embodying-our-awareness/
Article Published in the Conscious Centered Community Online Magazine, August 2009 and New Earth Newsletter, Fall 2009.
Co-Creating A New Earth
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious Reawakening
Imagine a World whose inhabitants live harmoniously with one another, with nature and all of Earth’s creatures great and small. Where the sky is a brilliant blue, the air is refreshing and nurturing to breathe, and the water is crystal clear. Many of us have been visualizing this New Earth in our minds and holding it lovingly in our hearts. Perhaps even at times yearning for it so much that our souls may ache for we know it can be a reality in our present existence. There is a place and it is not that far away.
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/co-creating-a-new-earth/
This article was published in The Edge Holistic Living Magazine June 2008 edition and the Conscious Centred Community Online Magazine
The Light Flyer
by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious Reawakening
My 15-year-old son has been flying for quite a while now. Yes, he does enjoy flying on airplanes, however, the flights that Tristan experiences are truly magical and out of this World.
He began his travels before he was born and remembers flying with his light friends through the sparkling stars. They visited many different galaxies and flew with other loving Beings of Light. Even during my pregnancy, Tristan remembers periodically leaving his new form and returning to the stars. During
To continue reading, please go to http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/the-light-flyer/
As the freshness of the New Year arrives, may you always walk in the beauty of your truth, and may your imagination be filled with the dreams of a child whose heart is overflowing with love, joy, and blissful curiosity. With our love, Janiece, Michael & Tristan
Spiritual Energy Blessing for the Winter Solstice
Michael, Janiece & Tristan
Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening
With our hearts overflowing with gratitude we thank you, Divine Source Spirit, and all the Benevolent Beings of the Loving Light for guiding us through this time of deepest reflection of the Winter’s Solstice. As we go into the inner depths of our soul, we thank ourselves for standing in the light of our true being knowing that we are now and forever embraced in your everlasting love. We know that even in the darkest moments, we shine brightly. Though the appearances of the World may not always be of the highest light for there are those who are not expressing their true divine spirit and so many who are in fear, we stand individually and as a loving collective on our beloved Mother Earth, knowing that as we go within the depths of our soul and even though we may feel “really, can we go any deeper” and “wow, we could use a break” we step up, embracing your divine loving light for this is the reason for us incarnating at this time. And at this moment we are called upon to become more aware and conscious standing taller and shining even more brightly. For it is through these times that we are more empowered, and we shine our eternal light on every living thing and even more brightly on those who have forgotten the truth of their being. Our children know the truth for they reside in their hearts. Follow them, follow our hearts, and shine our truth. With truly grateful hearts, Janiece, Michael & Tristan
Saturn 3 Lightflyers