Journey with the New Children


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To listen to any of the speakers we interviewed at any time for free, please go to the bottom of our page, sign up and we will send you the speaker links. 

The term “New Children” was one that Michael started using when Tristan was approximately 7 years old (in the year 2000) in describing the lighter energies and higher vibrations we felt from Tristan and other children that we began meeting at that time. The New Children also include the higher dimensional labels of Star Children, Indigo Children, Rainbow Children, Crystal Children, Blue Diamond Star Children, Golden Pyramid Children, and Children of the Light. Also, included in the New Children, Teens and Adults, or as we call them, the “New Beings” are many people who have been diagnosed with the 3-dimensional labels of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, OCD, Bipolar and countless other labels.

In October of 2009, Tristan asked us to create a teleconference sharing information with others about children like him. In just a few days, we gathered many wonderful people who agreed to share their expertise about these amazing children on our teleconference and Journey with the New Children began in November of 2009 and continued through June of 2011. We enjoyed all of our speakers who shared valuable information in assisting us on our journey with our children and with ourselves. To learn more about this Teleconference series and listen to the archived recordings for free, please read Journey with the New Children below.

The New Children are here to help us on our evolutionary journey or on other words, they are here to wake us up. These children have chosen us to be in their lives for a very special reason and it is our responsibility to have a greater understanding of their reasons for coming here at this time. In this way, we will best serve them in attaining their purpose. Although these children are very wise and enlightened, they need our guidance in helping them live in a World that is not so comfortable for many of them.

Please join us as we explore our children and ourselves in order to help them with their purpose of creating an environment in which we may all live peacefully.

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