Natural Law or Living in Integrity

NATURAL LAW is a set of universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behaviors of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior.

Mark Passio

Natural Law or as our family calls

“Living and Being in Integrity”

Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

For our family, living in Integrity means everything we do is for the betterment of humanity, which obviously means doing no harm. We know that as we endeavor to do our work, it enhances and supports every living thing. Unfortunately, many people have lost their way and only think of themselves and their little lives. They never ask themselves, “if I do ________, how will that affect everyone around me?” “How does my behavior affect the world.” Now, this does not mean never having a “negative” thought and pretending that everything is hunky-dory. Is that not what people are taught in many spiritual circles? We find that many of these beliefs are all about making the person “feel good” instead of experiencing reality. 

You know, being an observer and not experiencing, not taking part in Life, not living your Life. It is all about being on the peripheral and never truly Living this Life just so a person does not have to feel because, oh my, it may be unpleasant. We have met many people like this, and they do not seem whole. Just little bits and pieces moving around, but not experiencing Life. They pretend that they are joyful, but how can one genuinely experience joy when they cannot experience sadness. After all, many of these people make excuses to justify their suffering because they do not want to feel the sadness, frustration, and anger. However, how can one solve anything if they do not identify what they are feeling? They cannot! We can tell you that when a person ignores the suffering on earth that is occurring all around us, nothing gets solved, and it continues occurring. When people ignore or make flimsy excuses for others’ suffering, they are a part of the problem by their very ignorance. And remember, “ignorance means Ignoring the Truth” (Mark Passio). So when you say it that way, they are ignoring parts of themselves that if they acknowledged, they would be able to be More of Who They Are and Embody and Express their True Selves.

When one Embodies their True Self, they can take Empowered Action and start Creating a World where Every Living Thing Thrives!

This Empowered Action is Required Right Now!

Living in Integrity does take work since one must go deep within oneself and delve into those not so pleasant places to uncover all those “blind spots.” In order to go deep within, one must first deprogram. Perhaps you were programmed through religions (including New Age and Metaphysics), media or the schools you attended. The first step in deprogramming is asking questions. Our family questions everything, and this leads to becoming Aware. The vital aspect of this is to continue asking questions for Awareness and not the Answer. Once you think you have the Answer, that is an indication that you are programmed. Getting to the Truth, which resides within us, takes deprogramming, and over the years, we have shared many articles with exercises that will assist you in ReAwakening.

If you are interested in doing the work it takes to ReAwaken and Evolve, please go to