Who Are The New Children – New Beings (Indigo, Crystal, Star, Rainbow, Spiritually Gifted Children, Teens & Adults


Who Are the New Children – Teens and Adults (The New Beings)

(Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Star, and More) 

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

Written in 2012

(This article was published in The Edge Holistic Magazine and Soul Times Magazine)

When Tristan was a baby, Michael and I felt a very unique and pure energy about him. Although at that time, we did not use the word energy. We both agreed that we felt a “lightness” about Tristan that we had not experienced before around others. As time went on, we met a few more children who also embodied this pureness, and in the year 2000 Michael began to use the phrase “New Children.”

We use the term New Children to encompass everyone who has been labeled Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal, Star, Blue Diamond Star, Children of the Light, and the Golden Pyramid Children that Tristan began talking about in the Spring of 2012. In addition to these “higher vibrational labels,” we also include people diagnosed with the 3-Dimensional labels of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, Bipolar, ODD, OCD, and many others. We find that these multidimensional children who receive such diagnoses are incredibly high vibrational and find it extremely difficult to live in the heavier and denser energies on Earth at this time. Thus, they find it more comfortable with existing in the higher dimensions that are in alignment with their purer and lighter energy signatures.

Have there always been New Children? For us, the answer is yes. Several names come to mind, such as Jesus, Buddha, Paramahansa Yogananda, Gandhi, Rudolf Steiner, Nikola Tesla, Mary Magdalene, Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, and countless others who possessed the qualities and energies of the New Children. Each one was shifting the beliefs and lifting the vibration of their generation and generations thereafter. They created the vibrational space for even more New Children to come to Earth. As we look at it this way, one could say that there have always been New Children. Many of us adults are also New Children and we brought with us the new energies to share with others as well. Perhaps bringing them into a World that was not yet ready for these higher vibrations, as during those times the majority were still holding onto the old illusions. However, we came in just as others did before us, lifting the vibration of everyone around us just a bit more than the previous generations. As you can see, the New Children term most definitely includes people of all ages. Therefore, for clarification, we refer to the New Children, Teens and Adults as the “New Beings.”

Additionally, many of the New Beings, have come in lifetime after lifetime with these higher vibrations, gifts, and abilities. They were the Shamans, healers, storytellers, medicine men, herbalists, and even the oracles. They honored and were very connected to Earth while knowing and maintaining their connection with their origins and Source Spirit. Unfortunately, they came in at a time when they were not accepted because they were feared or viewed as different from the norm. Some even speaking out against the wrongs done by those in charge. Consequently, they were put in asylums, imprisoned or harmed in some manner, and their history destroyed. As you can see, the New Beings have been here on Earth since the very beginning and were some of Earth’s original inhabitants.

Now, of course, there has been an increasing number of these New Beings coming to Earth since the start of the 20th Century, with an influx arriving in the 1950s, 60’s and 70’s. Many were the first Flower Children, who desired for a more peaceful and free world. Unfortunately, many of the Flower Children and Hippies became lost to the drugs introduced to them as a way of having a more meaningful “spiritual” experience. As such, most of them lost their way and their original ideology.

With the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987, ushering in a new wave of lighter energies that began cleansing the denser layers of the  3-Dimensional World, the invitation was sent throughout Multiverse calling for a greater influx of New Children/New Beings to come and assist us during one of the most unprecedented shifts that have ever occurred. The higher numbers of these Beings were necessary and are necessary in order to lift the vibration of every individual, every living thing, on this planet leading us into the Golden Age.

Additionally, there has always been astrological events occurring from the beginning of time, and when one is born, they bring in with them the energies of these cosmic events. As we can see with all the Stargates, Portals, Comets, Eclipses, Meteor Showers and even the Solar Flares and many other Astrological events that have been so predominant the last few years, they bring in an energetic vibrational signature that is unique and significant to each individual who is arriving. Depending on the date, day, and time a person is born also brings in very distinct characteristics.

Although there can be much overlap with each of these New Beings, there are certain characteristics that emerge with each label. For example, even though my son, Tristan was born during the time when the Crystal Children were arriving, he is most assuredly a Star Child. Many have said that Tristan is a Star Child with a broad Crystalline energy field.

What we will say is that almost all of these New Beings have tremendous gifts and have come here to Earth to help us to remember our innate abilities. Such gifts include clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairempathy, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairgustance, and clairtangency. They are telepathic, communicate energetically, and most assuredly are heart centered. Many of them come in with natural healing abilities. Additionally, they are extremely aware and often if they do not know how to manage their gifts, abilities and the energies they perceive around them, they may take it on and act out in some manner. Instead of seeing them as being sensitive, which means being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings or circumstances of others, quick to take offense; touchy, and easily irritated, let us give them the proper tools so they can properly manage their gifts and awareness. This way they can always acknowledge and express themselves appropriately and navigate in our World with more ease.

Many of the New Beings see the auras and energetic fields around people. Many also perceive non-physical presences. When Tristan began speaking at age 3, he told us about the colors and Beings such as Angels, Spirit Guides, Fairies, Star Visitors and some not so loving Beings and more that he saw around others. Tristan has always said that the non-physical Beings are as”real” as the physical Beings.

Listening to and believing our children is so important because what they perceive is very real. When adults look at them in disbelief, then, unfortunately, the children begin to shut down their awareness and learn not to trust their inner knowing.

They can see beyond appearances and perceive the truth in all situations and with all people. When a person is not coming from a place of their true self, these children will most definitely perceive that and let them know. Unfortunately, many children may act out what the adults around them are not either aware of or truthfully expressing. Consequently, it results in the child looking as if it is their problem and thus, the person does not have to look within.

Additionally, many have total remembrance of their own and other people’s past lifetimes and lifetimes on other planets, galaxies, etc. Sometimes these memories can be problematic if, for example, a child has family members, teachers or classmates at school in which they have experienced trauma in these other lifetimes.

For many of us in Michael and my generation who perceived these other realities; however, were not acknowledged, we are very grateful that Tristan and the other New Beings have come to help us reawaken and remember who we truly are.

The New Beings have come to share their gifts with us and reawaken us to our gifts. Are we ready to allow them to express their genuine and full potential because in order for them to shine, we must reawaken ourselves to our full potential and you know what that means? What about all those lifetimes where we spoke out and were harmed in some way, or placed in asylums or dungeons or like us, pretty much all of them. That is what these last few years have been about, being aware and digging deep into the depths of our soul and uncovering, healing, transforming and transcending everything that is not of our highest light. Now is the time to step into our awareness, our consciousness for when we trust ourselves, we empower ourselves. And this is what the New Beings are asking of us, some demanding from us. To be aware and conscious, so we fully embody and brightly shine our true selves expressing as the Empowered Beings we truly are.

Golden Pyramid Children as told by Tristan Boardway

I received a message from one of my Star Friends who said about the new children who would start to come to Earth in July of 2012. I was told that these children are the next step in our evolutionary process and are bringing the planet and every living thing into balance. She called them the “Pyramid Children.” The reason why she called them the pyramid children is that they have the pyramid symbol located in each of their heart centers. What I was shown was that the girls have an inverted pyramid, and the boys have an upright pyramid. The inverted pyramid represents the feminine, loving light energy that is always flowing into Earth and us and gives us spiritual inspiration. The upright pyramid represents the masculine energy which is receiving this loving light and anchoring it into our being.

I liked that the children were connected to the pyramids because I remembered some of my lifetimes in Egypt and knew that at one time the pyramids were used as healing structures, and they were very sacred and powerful. There were also many ceremonies inside and outside of the pyramids and people came to further their spiritual studies. Also, my Star Friend is from a planet from another Galaxy, and they have the same pyramids, and they are used for the same reasons.

Another thing I saw was that these two symbols together make the Merkaba, which is the structure that allows us to incarnate into our physical bodies at a higher state of consciousness, activating our light body.

My Star Friend then told me that the children would be bringing in these very powerful energies to heal any remaining parts of us that are not of our true being. They are also reactivating all the energies within us, and Earth that has been dormant and then she kind of laughed because she said that we have been asleep for a long time.

She stated that it would also help the children who have been having difficulty being here on Earth because they are already in the very high dimensions and the energies here just were not high and loving enough for them to feel comfortable in their physical bodies. They are kind of like me and enjoy being in those higher dimensions more than here on Earth.

These children are taking us to a much higher level of awareness which allows us to activate all of our gifts and capabilities. It will happen for everyone automatically if it is their desire. Everyone just has to connect with these pyramid children by being in their heart center.