Open Your Eyes! Expand Your Mind! Be Aware!
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway
This page will display all the interesting stuff that goes on in our skies, the cosmos, and our world that most people miss because they are glued to cell phones, other technology, and their programming, keeping their heads buried and their minds closed. Come back and visit since we will add more to this page. Everything on this page may not be our views, but hey, we are only sharing.
Use your awareness. Go within and ask your Inner Knowing and read the energy signature of whatever you are viewing, reading, and hearing. And remember, when you are Aware, you can finally make long-lasting changes that will actually help the World. Awareness = Expanded Consciousness!
When we have Awareness, we have the responsibility of taking Empowered Action. Perhaps that’s why so many people choose unawareness since they can live in their little fantasy worlds and pretend everything is okay or will be okay. If you read anything on this page that you judge as being negative and don’t take empowered action, why? What are you protecting yourself from? What are you hiding deep within yourself? What “hopium” (not hope) or “love and light” (I can only see the good) programming are you under? What needs to be healed within yourself? Instead of judging between the limited choices of good or bad, positive or negative, and love or fear what else is possible? Can you actually be Aware and Take Empowered Action? When our family learns about some unfortunate, negative, bad, horrible, etc., events, we get to work and take Empowered Action. Even if our action is through meditation, prayer, and sending God’s loving healing light to everyone and everything affected, we do it.
Awareness = Expanded Consciousness!
*We know it isn’t about “luck”; however, we felt the message from Falkor the Luck Dragon is appropriate at this time. Well, for those who are AWARE.
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks on December 8, 2014.
Please see the posts below on clear skies, vinegar blue skies and environmental harmonizer.
You Can Handle the Truth. Time to Blow the Lid off the DC/UFO Cover-Up by Rober Stanley
Clear Your Skies
Vinegar Blue Sky Timelapse Video
How to Build an Orgon Environmental Harmonizer
HAARP’s Aurora Switch was Turned on Last Week to Create Artificial Airglows
What’s Lurking in Your Water?
It’s probably just a coincidence that HAARP can cause Auroras & they were also running operations when Global Auroras were spotted.
Geomagnetic Solar Storm
Massive Great Pyramid-Sized Asteroid to Skim Earth
Eighth Sphere AI Warning KONA Blue UFO
Video from the NASA website live feed showing a huge extraterrestrial mothership
Guy Makes Portal in his Room?
Is GeoenIgneering Real
The Spiritual Battle for Our Humaniy: Transhumanism, DNA, AI & Our Forgotten Past/Gregg Braden
The Eclipse Oscbured and Other Goings On
Eclipse Project
Angelology with Robert Stanley – Write-up from The Cosmic Salon: This is a riveting chat that may be too dark for some folks, however, if you are here most likely this is something that you can digest. We get into the Garden of Eden, origin stuff, the womb, control grids, sacrifice, and more.
Robert Stanley’s Substack:
Lectures by Rudolf Steiner from the Steiner Public Library:
Atlantis and Lemuria
GA 11: From the Âkâshic Records
Arlington City UFO Video Goes Viral During Solar Eclipse 2024
April 3, 2024 – UFO Headlines and the 4-minute bell with Linda at Earthfiles
Geoengering Watch by Dane Wiggintgon
Why the Sun will be in the Wrong Star Sign During the Total Solar Eclipse
Further proof it was never a conspiracy theory.
Santa Ana River Watershed Weather Modification
David Sereda – Navigating the Eclipse
Tennesse State Senate Passes Bill Banning Chemtrail Spraying
Navigating Through all the Psyops
Linda Moulton Howe 2024 Military & Aerospace Whistleblowers Update
They Just Deleted The Huge Miles Long Malibu Underwater Structure From Satellite Images
The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness by Rudolf Steiner
This video consists of 14 lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Given in Dornach from the 29 of September to the 28 of October 1917.
A Republic – Not a Democracy – Stop Saying Democracy
MAID Expansion Temporarily Halted
RFK, Jr. – We Are Being Mass Poisoned
Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California – Darkfield Microscopy Analysis
Has the Lost City of Mu been Discovered?
This Culture that Came Before Native Americans Will Blow Your Mind
The Harm Caused by Masks
Inside the Black World – Michael Schratt on Black Budgets
UFO Crash/Retrieval (Update Three)
Netherlands Promotes Digital ID at Davo
Winter Woes: Green New Deal Turns Deadly
Ten-Foot Creatures are Seen in Brazil
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING for the survival of the human race
Nature is Calling. Are You Listening?
Project Camelot Interviews Dr. Pete Peterson: Part 1 of 3
Project Camelot Interviews Dr. Pete Peterson: Part 2 of 3
Project Camelot Interviews Dr. Pete Peterson: Part 3 of 3
Former CIA Pilot John Lear Says “There Are Millions Of Aliens Living On The Moon”
Or Bog People?
While listening to this explanation, we had Deja Vu of the 1997 Phoenix Lights press conference!
Video Showing Alien at Miami Mall Sparks Claims of Invasion
Aliens in Maimi. Real or Fake? Distraction? The Alien Card is Here:
What Happened in Miami? Reports of 8 10’ creatures walking around inside and outside the mall
Maimi Mall Creature Video Goes Viral
Top secret UFO meeting in Congress to reveal ‘classified’ details of illegal crash retrieval program – and US intelligence insider tells what they believe will really happen behind closed doors
Trauma Based Mind Control
Read Julio & Bellas’ story here:
Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We Are in a Solar MINIMUM
Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM
Smart Toys Pose Privacy Risk to Children and Family
X-Class flare is the most Powerful Solar Eruption Since 2017
Gaslighting me with PSYOPS
and one verse goes
But it’s weaponized emotions
You’re calling it “conspiracy”
Asleep in the commotion
Your silence is alarming me
Two Free E-Books: Interesting reads, and even if you are like us and don’t agree with everything or have different memories, the information contained in both books makes you think, increases your Awareness, Inner Wisdom, and Discernment, and expands your Mind.
Voyagers 1: The Sleeping Abductees by Ashayana Deane
The most comprehensive guide available on the hidden truth of the UFO phenomena, ET visitation and Visitor agendas, the mechanics of and purposes for Visitor contact/abductions and assisting abductees. Explores the realities of contemporary ET visitation, covert government dealings with Intruder ETs, the Zeta Earth take-over agenda, ET-human hybridization and hybrid pregnancies, historical involvement of ETs with humanity and the evolution of human consciousness, and protecting humans from present Intruder manipulation. Introduces Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and the Cellular Alphabet, the Silicate Matrix gene code, the Soul Matrix, the 6 Primary Levels of Identity model of multidimensional human consciousness and Keylontic Exercises for memory recall and bio-energetic field balancing.
Ashayana Dean writes: THE DISTORTIONS OF THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS INTO A CONTROL DOGMA. “The teachings of Jesheua-Jesus, like those of so many Magi Azurline Priests of Ur before him, were rapidly distorted and destroyed by human power elite organizations operating under Fallen Angelic Fegion influence. The true historical story of Jesheua-Jesus was twisted, edited, literally re-written and used by factions of both AnnuElohim/Anunnaki and Drakonian Seraphim Fallen Angelic Fegions, and their human “puppets,” to promote a control dogma of external FatherGod worship. The
intention behind this manipulation of truth was to bury the real truth that Jesheua-Jesus had provided, and to literally “set humanity up” for the “big party” that the Fallen Angelic Fegions had planned for the days of the Final Conflict. Fallen Angelic Fegions knew that if they could continue to motivate masses of humans to pledge allegiance to external figures of Gods and their “Divine Representatives,” as they had been doing since promotion of their Sumerian “Father-God Anu,” that plenty of human “specimens” would be available for hybridization, following the “End Times” holocaust.”—VOYAGERS VOL 1 — Downloaded by Ashayana Deane from the Guardian Alliance
Defending Sacred Ground by Alex Collier
AC: Hello, I’m Alex Collier. In the last 31 years, I have been given so much information that I would ask you to write down your questions, otherwise, it may not be brought up. There are some positive aspects to the information, and there is some information that is not very positive. There is absolutely nothing we cannot resolve if we stick together.
What I mean by that is that we don’t turn on each other. To have us turn on each other is definitely something that they are trying to get us to do – to divide us. The problems in the world that we have on the government level are just a symptom of a much bigger problem. I believe it was Bill Cooper, much to his credit, who said several years ago – when you put the ET’s in the middle of this thing, it absolutely makes sense. He’s absolutely right. I am going to be presenting the Andromedan perspective as to what is going on, who we are, and some material about
our past history. They have comments about all of our history.
For your entertainment purposes only, please find helpful immune system information at
Perhaps the article I wrote in 2017 explains this meme. Read the article at
Related to
Reptilian Aliens Helped Nazi Germany Build Secret Space Program in Antarctica
Airline Mayday Radio Calls Up 386% in 2023
Another “green” FAIL: Recycled plastic found to be environmentally UNFRIENDLY and saturated with toxic chemicals
Heavy Spraying Prior to Halos being Spotted around Sun and Moon:
A Different Perspective on the Subject of Shifting Poles:
Mind Manipulation, Cell Phones, 5g, and Other Stuff: Excellent article by Joseph Farrell. Teaser: We may summarize that theory by stating it in the following fashion: the ultimate purpose of the move to create a global network of 5G cellular towers and to put as much of the world’s population on cell phones as possible is not merely to enhance communications and make them “more efficient.” The ultimate purpose is to erect, under that disguise, a network for the global manipulation of the human mind and to thereby create a vast, quiescent collective.
Physicist Richard Allen Miller’s interview re: Magnetic & Physical Pole Shift (maybe?), Geographic Changes, Planets, Cosmobiology, and so much more.
Read Richard Allen Miller’s biography at
Solar Eruption, Iceland, Aircraft Incidents, Cloud Forcing | S0 News Nov.16.2023
Solar Watch, El Nino Impact, Sea Level, etc.
Japan’s Dream Playback Technology
The Incentivized Mass Murder Of Children
Greg Reese States, “And Doctors are now beginning to use virtual reality to help them administer these poisons to children who instinctively know better.”
Fall of Babylon Mini Series – Forbidden Knowledge
Taken by Shane Nichols
Thank you, T.O., for sharing this interesting take on the eclipse:
Links from SO:
Big Burb Event:… Largest Solar Storm in Tree Rings:…
Eclipse Maps:…
Solar Eclipse/Annular Eclipse 10/14/23
10/5/23: We have become aware of the increase in negative entities (Black Magic) since yesterday. Perhaps the “zombie apocalypse” did not totally happen; however, the negative entity attachments on and possessions in certain “people” have been activated, which is the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, with the increase of nefarious entities, those who haven’t a clue will act out negatively exponentially. There is also an increase in radiation due to the activation of the entities that feed off of it. Earth is being terraformed even further. We have also heard from some moms whose adult children kept their cell phones on and unprotected on 10/4. Those phones are now broken. One said that the phone “flipped” out with lights flashing and then went completely dark and is broken. Celeste Solum and Mike Adams were incorrect in their assessment that nothing would happen. (And how about that pesky WiFi fly entity spying on, oh, I mean, pestering Celeste Solum during the interview)? So we see that there is still not enough consciousness to stop the nefarious agenda completely; however, it was lessened to a small degree. So are people going to stay in the dark or turn on their Inner Radiance and take Empowered Action? Here is one simple exercise that we shared previously regarding cleansing and clearing that you can do that will help to clear these negatives. Although it is taking a lot more conscious action to do so.
P.S. Some people say the FEMA drill was an experiment to see if they could mind control the jabbed. Aren’t these people already mind-controlled since they believed the virus story and got jabbed? Perhaps they wanted to know exactly who is following orders, i.e., phones on or off. However, we think that there is more to it than that as written above.
10/2/23: Mike Adams and Celeste Solum’s riveting presentation about the truth of what is happening in our World, including solutions. They stated that the FEMA emergency drill on 10/4/23 would not cause any harm, as reported by many others how they felt would lose credibility. They reasoned that nothing would happen (?) because so many people had heard of this scenario and were prepared; why do it? What if the real reason for FEMA not activating the “zombie apocalypse” is that the consciousness of the aware people who are well-informed by those who first reported the possibility of a “zombie apocalypse” stopped it from happening? Why do people give all their power away to others instead of seeing what we can do when we take empowered action? It’s time to turn this erroneous thinking around and be on the offensive and not the defensive. And didn’t we write an article, “Be Aware – Be Prepared,” when the plandemic first started and continue to add vital information? Yes, we did, and we do! Please see the three entries below. Two videos of Dr. Byrne discussing the “brain dead/coma” lies and the last entry on how a person who was declared brain dead was brought out of a coma by many people coming together in prayer, meditation, and healing work. Just think about what we can accomplish when we consciously create. Will you be part of creating something better or do nothing?
Even though the quality of Dr. Byrne’s first interview is poor, it is worth the listen. When the quality is bad, we see it as requiring us to really pay attention. It is our desire that you get the meaning of why they are related and how truly empowered we are when we break free from our programming and take Empowered Action instead of giving our power away to others.
Dr. Paul A. Bryne – Brain Death is A Lie. Don’t Donate Your Organs. This is Very Disturbing Information
DIY Faraday Containers:
What Frequencies are they (FEMA) emitting on October 4, 2023, or October 11th? Looks like a good day to shut off all WiFi devices, including television, and place them in Faraday bags/containers.
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023
From Delaware Online regarding the FEMA test:
If the Oct. 4 test is postponed due to widespread severe weather or another significant event, a back-up testing will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 11.
The Nazca Aliens
Earth-like Planet Hiding in our own Solar System
Remember the Children by Saturn3lighflyers, written in 2019.
John Lear: “We Control Alien Technology & There Are Colonies On Mars”
From Deborah Tavares: WATCHES – Evasive Actions REQUIRED Now. Including an evacuation plan.
WEAPONIZED ☠️ Preplanned DISASTERS – MUST Listen & SHARE! By Deborah Tavares AUDIO ONLY
The reason trees burn inside out or not burned down by DEW, Directed Energy laser Weapons
New Comet Visible to he Eye in September 2023
NASA asteroid deflection test accidentally creates a BOULDER SWARM that could impact the Earth with as much energy as the Hiroshima detonation
For more information, go here:
The first time we watched this interview was in 2016, and now listening to it for the third time (7/23). It is truly extraordinary information from Mr. Tompkins. Highly recommend.
Dark Journalist: CIA UFO Disclosure Hearings:
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) July 12, 2023
Vaccines Can and Do Kill Children
Well, well…what have we here? The NIH testing the effects of adrenochrome on humans. So it’s not a “conspiracy”. My question: where did the NIH get this adrenochrome they harvested, acc to their study? Effects of adrenochrome & epinephrine on human…
— Lara Logan (@laralogan) July 20, 2023
Cobalt and the sacrifice of African children on the green altar
Toxic Sky website that Deborah Tavares references:
‘John of God,’ Oprah’s ‘Faith Healer,’ Faces A 370 Year Prison Sentence
Dane Wigington! “Geo-Engineering PSYOPs causing Earth to Collapse, Fast! Elites running to underground Citiesast! Elites running to underground Cities
Worldwide Geoengineering Lawsuits!!! Landmark Case
Hello out there. Shedding (transmitting) has nothing to do with ascension symptoms. There is not a lot of awareness in this way of thinking, but you know what they say; if you know the truth, you have to take action. We say empowered action. If there is one thing we’ve learned on our journey, most people don’t want to be empowered and take action. Wow, what people tell themselves so they don’t have to face the truth because they may feel discomfort. Yes, Denial is in full effect with these people, and that’s why things have to be so extreme. However, we do know that not everyone will ReAwaken and Remember or Ascend.
Dr. Paul Marik: “There Is No Question That Shedding Is a Real Thing”
“This may be horrific,” warned critical care specialist Dr. Paul Marik. “The amount of spike protein after vaccination in spermatozoa is truly astonishing.”
He continued. “And we know of women who’ve had…
— Children’s Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) June 12, 2023
CME Impact Possible, Sun Triggers Volcanos | S0 News June.5.2023
Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island erupts in a wild explosion of lava – prompting ‘code red’ aviation warning
The Great Awakening: A Documentary Experience about the State and Fate of America
A couple of weeks ago, we were talking about the 1978 movie, The Boys from Brazil, which Michael and I saw years ago, leading us to further research about Operation Paperclip. As a commenter wrote in response to Joseph Farrell’s article below, that movie is a good place to start.
Big Tech has Arrived: Amazon Sidewalk Joins the Helium Network to Connect All Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
Educate Yourself – Total Control!
Pole shift effects on humans ( Top 16 Effects )
What the Ascension Glossary says about this subject:
Override Pole Shift Catastrophe
Magnetic Field Shifting
Solar Gate. Magnetic Flip, No Cataclysmic Pole Shift
Ark of the Covenant: Did Ron Wyatt find the Ark?
Ark of the Covenant: Or is the Ark of the Covenant something totally different as suggested in the Ascension Dictionary as follows: The Arc of the Covenant is a Time Portal passage between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy that was created 840,000 years ago by Guardian Races.
And more about the “Arc”: Ascension Glossary states in part: After the Fall of Tara, several advanced Krystic races from the God Worlds known as the Paliadorians made an agreement to help the planet Earth and humans. The extremely advanced technology of the Ancient Builder Races, known as the Arc of the Covenant, and its network interfaces of the Arc of Covenant Stargates, and much more were installed into the planetary system.
US Being INVADED By Design – Military Camps with Christie Hutcherson
For the current border news: Michael Yon is America’s most experienced combat correspondent. Traveled or worked in 89 countries, including various wars/conflicts.
New supernova! M101 explosion is closest in a decade
EMF Radiation Test Shows Sitting in an Electric Car is Like Standing Near a Running Microwave
Elon Musk’s Brain-Computer Company “Neuralink” Receives FDA Approval to Launch Human Clinical Trial
Nesara/Gesara Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, okay, still waiting for St. Germaine to roll that out? What you’ve been waiting for over 20+++ years now? AJ didn’t even touch on that subject in his very factual videos on St. Germaine below.
Part 1: The Legend of the Immortal: The Count of Saint Germaine
Part 2: The Legend of the Immortal: The Count of Saint Germaine
Saturn is releasing the bonds that hold it captive!
Saturn’s rings are disappearing, a phenomenon never before seen
America’s Secret Space Program and the Breakaway Society
Big Sunspot Coming, Pre-Earthquake Signals | S0 News Apr.9.2023
April astronomy events include a parade of planets, return of meteor showers
URGENT INFO: How to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure – share this
Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck
Deconstructing one of the dark occult’s most effective mind-control tactics
The Discovery Of Three Ancient Texts Completely Disassembles Our Knowledge About Traditional History
The next two stories are about Valiant Thor: You decide.
The Strange Story Of Valiant Thor, The Man From Venus
NASA Confirms 1,000-Pound Meteoroid Made Entry Over South Texas
Posted on 2/17/23: HEALTH WARNING FROM ROBERT MORNINGSTAR: Attention All who live in PA_NY-NJ-CT
Please Warn all your friends NOT to venture out into tomorrow’s rain…
A half inch of rain s supposed to come down over NYC and Tri-state …
It is a toxic cloud that is carrying a lot of that dioxin cloud, which formed the precipitation nuclei to form that rain storm.
This is how awareness works–you take empowered action like this man!
What’s Happening: Current administration blows up the Nord Stream pipeline allowing 400,000 TONS of gas to into the sea. Industrial disaster in Ohio with toxic chemicals spewing into the air and water. Does anyone know about all the Whales dying off the east coast of the US? And where are all the environmental groups? What’s the word from Gore, Greta, and all the celebrities? Oh yeah, nothing to see here, move along.
Meteor or something else?
Two UFOs were shot down today over North America… and CNN is openly talking about it… what’s going on?
For all your latest FF UFO news, check out CBKNEWS at

BELIEVE IT OR NOT: China Claims It Sighted an Unidentified Flying Object Near Its Border
Apparently, these two didn’t get the memo. Oh yeah, that’s right, they are not involved in our skies right now. Okay, maybe later.
*What’s going on in Ohio:
Probably the best video about what happened in Pennsylvania/Ohio and it’s pretty mind blowing.
— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News🥜 (@unhealthytruth) February 13, 2023
Our family began talking about all the snake oil salespeople in the “spiritual” community years ago. It sounds like people are finally catching on. The funny thing is that someone said they shared our book with one of their online “spiritual” groups. Guess what? No book buyers, but TONS of snake oil salespeople trying to sell us some gimmick that will get us to the 5th dimension, and what have you. Sadly so many people have yet to work on their awareness and wise discernment and fall prey and give their power away to anyone and everyone. Hey, they sure didn’t listen to our information, which would have taught them everything they needed to know about being more aware and discerning. Oh well! We are just so absolutely amazingly grateful that we have nothing to do with the so-called “spiritual” community filled with frauds and snake oil salespeople.
The sinister underbelly of celestial ‘enlightenment’: JACI STEPHEN was promised happiness and wealth if she lived by the MOON for a month… but what she discovered was a dark web of snake oil salesmen ready to prey on her emotional pain
2/4/23: Looking up at the Ionized Skies and thinking about Balloons when the song 99 Luft(red) Balloons by Nena came to Mind.
From Edward Snowden:
Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.
Here’s the article, if you are interested:
Snowden Leaks Evidence of HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda
How Quantum Physicists ‘Flipped Time’ (and How They Didn’t)
Picture of Comet C/2022 E3 was taken by a mountain local on 1/27/23.
The Power of Bees Working Together to Make a Better World
Taken by a local. A very unique white ladybug with a heart on the right and a crescent moon shape on the left. We were told that a white ladybug means it is considered to be elderly. To us, it is truly lovely and pure.
Important to Read all Labels. The below label reads: Contains Milk, Crickets. People who are allergic to shellfish may be allergic to Crickets.
From New CA-Edible Flowers: Lilac, Peony, Sunflower, Dahlia, Pansy, Lavender, Elderflower, Marigold, Hibiscus, Dandelion, Snapdragon, Chrysanthemum.
More information on Operation Popeye is below somewhere.
Shooting stars on the solstice: Stargazing on the longest night of 2022
From vDarkness Falls
Schwab’s Dream coming true – eliminating families and growing genetic clones just as in Star Wars – the Clone Wars. Just think of the possibilities. No families. Cloned to carry out orders. The perfect total control of society – a dream come true. This scientific advancement can change society, although perhaps not for the good. Now the world’s first ‘Artificial Womb Facility’ is claiming that it can grow 30,000 babies in a year in an artificial womb or a ‘growth pod’. Of course, this facility does not actually exist just yet. Gates and Schwab might still object because they exhale CO2. Perhaps EctoLife can come up with a workaround for that. They are claiming it can help with the declining population in countries such as Japan, Bulgaria, and South Korea.
Elon Musk names new timeline for human brain-chip tests
Neuralink brain chip implants to be tried on humans despite causing MULTIPLE DEATHS in animal trials
Gregg Bradon: The Code of and “God Eternal Within the Body”:
Dr. Sircus: Forbidden Natural Medicines
What is Causing Animals to Walk in Circles?
World’s largest active volcano, Mauna Loa, erupts on Hawaii’s Big Island for first time in 38 years – triggering more than DOZEN earthquakes: Fears of major ash fall as sky turns flame red
From The Awakened Species Telegram page. To see the video that goes with this write-up and more posts, please go to
New research suggests our brains use quantum computation
Dr. Joseph Farrell also wrote about HAARP’s experiments, which is posted below somewhere. I recently spoke to a person who thought HAARP was no longer running. Maybe this person also listens to those who said they stopped spraying Chemtrails. I think that rumor started four or five or more years ago. Well, that’s why this page is titled “Open Your Eyes!”
HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory
You know pole reversal isn’t a “natural” phenomenon, right? If this is indeed happening.
Soursop Fruit 100 Times Stronger At Killing Cancer Than Chemotherapy
How to Control Seven Billion People
Excerpt: Everything has its own resonance frequency. Through this frequency, you can transmit energy and information. Graphene Oxide has multiple resonate frequencies. One of them is 26GHz, which will be a frequency used in the new 5G infrastructure. The video goes on to clearly and visually explain Sympathetic Resonance.
MIT Just Created Living Plants That Glow Like A Lamp, And Could Grow Glowing Trees To Replace Streetlights
What? You say Conspiracy Theory? We Say 
Keep Mosquitoes Away by Eating These Foods
Researchers Use GMO Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Humans in NIH-Funded Malaria Study
“Citizens for Sanity’s mission is to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat “wokeism” and anti-critical thinking ideologies that have permeated every sector of our country and threaten the very freedoms that are foundational to the American Dream.”
Picture of Jupiter with two moons taken by a local.
Flying Saucer Appears On U.S. Aviation Intelligence Office Logo
A Must Watch from Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 1, 2022, # 373 ( Dane Wigington )
In part, Dane Wigington reports that high levels of methane are escaping from the blown-up Nordstream pipeline. Now that mixed with our planet that is already filled with radiation is part of the terraforming process going on for years to support other lifeforms–Not Human.
We posted the Geoengineering Watch website over a year ago, and we thought it was timely to post it again. They are the makers of The Dimming, which we also shared over a year ago. You will find that documentary on the front page of Geoengineering Watch. Also, see the article, Operation Popeye” below in the entries somewhere.
Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Again, we recommend reading the Operation Popeye article below somewhere because it makes the speaker you see in this video at 1:25 even more significant. Maybe even more sinister.
Asteroid collision spotted from EARTH: Incredible videos from observatories in South Africa and Hawaii capture the moment NASA’s DART spacecraft smashes into Dimorphos from 6.8 million miles away
DR Carrie Madej about baking soda detox
See Jupiter as it makes its closest approach to Earth in 59 years
Violent Solar Storms Are Happening Closer to Earth Than Anyone Thought Was Possible
LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine
Block the Sun and Turn Earth into a Frozen Ice ball in the name of fighting “climate change.”
Elena Freeland:
I highly recommend you read Elena Freeland’s website. Many of you remember me writing about her many years ago. Right now, I am reading about DEW, which I actually wrote about in our book. She has a tremendous amount of information that will make you question even more. Well, if you are Aware!
A Chinese game company has appointed the world’s first humanoid robot as its CEO
Navy Seals May Have Encountered the Imprisoned Fallen Angels in Antarctica.
A Pair of Supermassive Black Holes Could Be Fated to Collide Within 3 Years
China Launches Giant Cloud-Seeding Drones To Combat Record Drought
NASA Detects CO2 in Alien World’s Atmosphere for the First Time
Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington
Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’
Highly Recommended!
World Economic Forum Talks about Mind Control Using Sound Waves:
The World Economic Forum Talks About “Mind Control Using Sound Waves”
1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency”
Okay, time for a funny or two:
Solar Activity!
And then some people make the World a better place with love, kindness, and compassion.
This Hero Dog-Lover Keeps Seniors and Their Pets Together With ‘Peace of Mind’
Viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower in 2022
Saturn opposition: Why August is perfect for spotting the ringed planet
Thank you, Mother Nature, for out-creating the insanity of the Climate Change* Green New Deal Death Cult! Even though chemicals were sprayed in our skies and HAARP turned on to stop the storms, they came to the deserts and mountains. And they are still coming.
*The climate is constantly changing, as the weather is cyclical. Add that to the fact that Earth is always on the move in the universe–yes, the climate will change. Lastly, Geoengineering is a culprit in weather manipulation, causing monsoons, droughts, etc. See the article below about Operation Popeye.
Death Valley Experiences 1,000 Year Rain Event
Michael speculates that the reason so many people (11 this year so far in the US) have died from lightning strikes is that they have so many metals in them. With the metals (shots, chemtrails, GMOs, etc.) in their bodies, they are electrical receptors. They attract electricity.
Lightning strike near White House leaves 3 dead, 1 injured.
And speaking of lions:
It was always fascinating to homeschool Tristan since he has awareness beyond this reality and definitely beyond regular history books. When Tristan was a young boy, he learned about Ancient Civilizations, and nothing was as it appeared. When learning about Ancient Egypt, he had a lot to say about the influence of “aliens.” When shown a picture of the Sphinx for the first time, he said there was initially a Lion’s head on the Sphinx. Then others came along and put the face of Anubis, the Jackal god (notice god is with a small g), and like all history, it was rewritten to confuse or otherwise dumb-down people from knowing their origins or at least the real history of the world. Our history lessons were rich with truth; as Tristan always read the historical figures’ energy and other lifetimes, he knew who and what they were–definitely different from what was written. Always go beyond the lessons if you send your children to school or homeschool.
This video is basic and doesn’t have all the information, but it does make one think, and that leads to asking questions.
Crop Circle, close to Stonehenge, appeared on 7/24/22. See more symbols below and compare them with the picture of this crop circle. What does your Inner Knowing tell you?
On left: Star Trek’s Starfleet Command Symbol
On Right: Space Force’s Symbol with the North Star at the top. Remember, the North Star is the guiding star for travelers and navigators. Then we see the Pleiades and Alpha Draconis on either side. The Space Force symbol tells us about the fight for Earth. Have you explored your other lifetimes? What are they telling you about your DNA? Do you know your origins? Do you know the journey that your North Star (your True Self) is taking you?
Arcturian space fleet/force symbol. They are defending us.
Freemasons (the Illuminati) Symbol: Wow, the one on the left looks like the crop circle above.
Why Scientists Plant Sunflowers After Nuclear Disasters
Sunflowers Could Save Lives as They Soak up Radiation From Soil and Water
The article was written in 2015 by Janiece about how plants perceive.
With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war
Okay, here we go!
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Their presence alone is a serious national security issue.’ Dozens of sailors confirm their warships were swarmed by ‘at least 100’ otherworldly UFOs, as their accounts CONTRADICT Navy chief’s effort to dismiss them as drones
CERN particle accelerator equipment arrives in Melbourne
Because the bible is a channeled book, and sometimes the men who wrote it were connected to God, and many times those men were connected to gods, i.e., Annunaki, Reptilian, Orions, and so forth. Gotta use Wise Discernment! Well, the bible is a great read to heighten one’s Awareness. For example, was this passage written by the Divine Source Creator (God), or was it written by one of the gods or negative beings? Here’s a hint, God is not a punishing “Father” who needs to keep “his children in line.” A very popular point that we have heard from Christians who love to give God an ego. And all those “tests”? Nope, not from the Divine Source Creator (God). And what about sacrifices? Nope, again not a message from God. And who would want to be connected to a god that they fear? You know the saying, God-Fearing Christians. Isn’t it time for people to question their erroneous beliefs about all religions?
Transhumanism and the Metaverse: Are We Doomed to Live in a Totalitarian Digital Prison?
LONG-DURATION SOLAR FLARE AND CME: Growing sunspot AR3032 exploded on June 13th (0407 UT), producing an M3-class solar flare that lasted nearly 8 hours from beginning to end. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the slow-motion blast:
Here’s the video:
California House passes “infanticide” bill legalizing the killing of newborn babies 7 days or more after birth
Asteroid the size of 350 giraffes to fly past Earth this week
NASA is calling it a ‘potentially hazardous asteroid,’ and it will fly harmlessly past Earth in the coming days. Skywatchers will be able to catch a glimpse of the mile-wide rock –provided they know where to look in the sky.
At Davos, Alibaba President Boasts about ‘Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker’
LOOK UP: The Most Intense Meteor Shower Of Our Lifetime Is Expected To Light Up The Night Sky This Month
Japan to dump Fukushima “treated” radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.
Earth has been terraformed to support life other than humans for many years. Could this dumping of radioactive wastewater be the final stroke to make Earth only sustainable to the negative beings who live off radiation and methane? Or do they need more radiation? Hmm, let’s say nuclear war, perhaps? People are lining up to get their “C” shots that are already transforming or rather activating their negative alien DNA, so apparently, they will do well living on their New Green Deal Great Reset Earth, which is quite contrary to the New Earth our family tried so hard to physically actualize. It is always up to each individual, and some people will go along with the New Green Death Cult’s New Green Deal Great Reset Earth agenda, while others like us will always choose something more expansive and with more consciousness.
Disney UNderworld
MK Ultra Mind Control / By
E.T PHONE HOME: UFO secrets to be revealed to US public next week in historic hearing – how to watch
While people were sleepwalking, this is what has been going on!
Space Ecosystem in Peril as Thousands of Satellites Orbit Earth, Scientists Say
Mysterious black cube spotted on the sun before NASA website shuts down
Viewers watching NASA footage of the sun spotted a mysterious black cube emerging from the star before the web page blacked out.
We posted another article about this story previously. You will find that below somewhere. Joseph Farrell wrote this article that we are posting now. We always find Dr. Farrell’s high-octane speculations fascinating. His commenters are aware and intelligent.
Hologram doctors beamed to space station to visit astronauts
Bright fireball over southern Ontario expected to have dropped meteorites, Canada
CHANCE OF FLARES TODAY: NOAA forecasters say there is a 75% chance of M-class solar flares today, April 19th, and a 25% chance of powerful X-flares. The most likely source would be sunspot complex AR2993-94, which is crackling with flares as it turns toward Earth. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text
NASA measures record-breaking, huge comet headed towards Earth
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2-CLASS): A CME is heading for Earth, propelled by the unexpected eruption of dead sunspot AR2987. NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives midday on April 14th.
NASA has discovered a massive comet “heading this way” in our Solar System that is literally almost twice as large as the state of Rhode Island
Meteor fireball over Minnesota on April 11 (or something else?)
New Theory Suggests That Dark Matter Could Be an Extra-Dimensional Cosmic Refugee
Hubble Space Telescope spots extreme weather on strange alien worlds
Carbondale: The eclipse crossroads of America
A 12,000-mile-deep ‘canyon of fire’ has opened on the sun, spitting intense solar wind toward Earth
US warship chased by 2 car-sized balls of light, UFO researcher says
Complete Human Genome Sequenced for First Time In Major Breakthrough:
“It turns out that these genes are incredibly important for adaptation,” Eichler said. “They contain immune response genes that help us to adapt and survive infections and plagues and viruses. They contain genes that are important in terms of helping us detoxify agents and they are very important in terms of predicting drug response.”
“But perhaps most interesting to me is they carry genes that make us uniquely human,” he continued. “About half of the genes that are thought to make our bigger brain, compared to the other apes, come specifically from these regions, which were absent in the original Human Genome Project. So for me, it’s like a dream come true.”
The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime
“Cannibal” Coronal Mass Ejection Detected By NASA, Will Hit Earth Tonight
With Solar Flares comes the opportunity to work at a deeper level. Uncovering our “shadow self” is crucial for our evolution. And remember, always be kind and gentle with yourself as you uncover those aspects that are hidden so deeply within. Here are two exercises that I posted three or four years ago that will assist you on your journey.
1. Reclaiming and Embodying our Memories – Part 1
2. Exercise for Welcoming Home Your Memories – Part 2
SOLAR FLARES – THE CME HAS ARRIVED: As predicted, a Cannibal CME hit Earth’s magnetic field on March 31st (0210 UT). First contact sparked a G1-class geomagnetic storm with a chance of stronger storms later today as Earth passes through the CME’s magnetized wake. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.
In memory of Jordan Maxwell
Monkey Werx US
CME, Geomatic Storm…
Astronomers see an enormous shockwave, 60 times bigger than the Milky Way
APOCALYPTIC Sky Sounds Are STILL Being Heard WORLDWIDE (2022)
Israeli magician, Uri Geller warns NASA to prepare for impending alien invasion
As a magician, is this man telling us that the “alien” invasion will be a FF? You know, holograms, holographs mixed in with those already here and maybe sprinkle in a few others? Yep, we got this already. Wow, think of how people who don’t have a clue will react. Probably just like they did with the planscamdemic. Gee, more fun times with the whackadoos!
Space Weather:
This picture of the Andromeda Galaxy was taken by a mountain local on February 7, 2022. Quite spectacular.
Time to grab the telescope! Huge asteroid that is twice the size of the Empire State Building will race by Earth at 43,000 miles per hour TONIGHT
Look up! A ‘potentially hazardous asteroid will safely zip by Earth on Jan. 18
Do you remember our article Asteroids: Did you Know? at
I also added another article on that page about a year later from Dr. Joseph Farrell, who wrote about DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test). Interesting article, especially since it validates what I wrote in the above article regarding directing Asteroids, which I intuitively knew. Now here is proof. Although Dr. Farrell does not name the culprits.
NASA says Pittsburgh New Year’s Day meteor explosion equivalent to 30 tonnes of TNT
Pilot thinks he’s seen fleet of UFOs after spotting ‘weird’ lights over the sea
When you look at the skies filled with chemical clouds, what comes to mind? Oh, I know, I know! Disclosure from the Harry Potter films with the cloud snake in the sky and other nefarious things. As the man points out in the video below, schools are teaching kids about the “New” clouds in the sky. Nothing like normalizing the insanity. Our motto: Question, Question, and Question!
If you watch this with your children, please turn off the sound. Apparently, in the excitement of it all, the viewers’ language became quite colorful!
Huge rotating Planet/Kachina/Orb spotted at Wolf Creek Pass Colorado. Could it be Nibiru or PlanetX?
NASA Just Confirmed The James Webb Space Telescope Is Definitely Launching This Week!