Understanding the New Children, Teens and Adults and Their Differences

download-1Understanding the New Children, Teens and Adults

and Their Differences

By Janiece Boardway, M.A.


Rainbow Bridge to Conscious Reawakening

We had a great time yesterday on our Voice America Show. Michael and I talked about the New Children, Teens, and Adults and Their Differences and why many of them have been seen as wrong. We also shared how all the Children, Teens & Adults; Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Star, Blue Diamond Star, Pyramid; are activating all of the Loving Light Energies. We discussed what is going on energetically and the illusions that those who would rather not see us evolve put in place lifetimes ago. Tristan was amazing and energetically connected everyone to all the energy centers in the World and within you during the program. We began this process at 1:30 pm pst (Michael and I started our program at 2 PM pst) and Tristan continued in this meditation throughout the hour. Our declaration was to connect everyone with all the Beings of the Highest Loving Light. This included many of our Star Friends and Family from Andromeda, the Pleiades, Sirius, the Star Flyers from Galaxy 124 and those High Vibrational Beings and Energy from Galaxy 132, the Whales and Dolphins. The Fairy Realm, those doing their part underground in Telos and the Light Beings in our Galaxy. We were in conjunction working with all of these Beings of the Highest Loving Light and activating the Ley Lines, the Pyramids and all the Sacred Places and Centers of our beloved Mother Earth so the loving light energy is flowing once more through each and every one of us and our planet and connecting us with the Star Gates.

This energy was always intended to be flowing in this manner, however, was manipulated for us to be controlled by those who have no intention to evolve and ascend. It is crucial at this time to continue sending the Highest Loving Light to all of these sacred places to keep the energy flowing, so we are always connected to our True Self, our Star Family and all the Beings of Light.

We have also made the intention and declaration that only the Beings of the Loving Light and Energies are allowed through the Star Gates and Portals and have many Angels, Archangels, and Master Healers taking care of these and all the energy centers. It also includes transforming any lower vibrations that are created by the technology that is not of the Highest Loving Light, so they are no longer used against us.

Thank you for joining us in creating our True Selves and True World.

 Here is the link to our show that can be listened to at any time:


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